
the lotter



它可以用来形容一个人获得了好运,如:"She was lucky to win the lottery."(她很幸运地中了彩票。)它也可以用来形容一个人在某种危险情况下幸存下来,如:"He was lucky to escape from the fire."(他很幸运地...

hope to do与wish to do的区别是什么?

1. "Wish to do":表达对某个行为或情况的强烈愿望,但往往暗示不太可能实现或难以实现。例如:- I wish to travel around the world.(我希望能够环游世界。)- He wishes to win the lottery.(他希望能中彩票。)...


指示:重新写故事的"彩票"后,指示如下:1 。想象你是伊万或marsha和复述故事,从他或她的观点。2 。你应该保持基本内容的故事。3 。你的写作应大约为200字。该彩票 安东契诃夫[ 1860年至1904年]伊万dmitritch ,一个...


I suppose you want to borrow money from me again? 我猜你又要找我借钱了吧? Creation supposes a creator. 有了创造者,才能有创造。 We suppose that the situation will improve. 我们认为形势会好转。glorious [...

英语,will be 和 would be 有什么区别?

示例1:If I won the lottery, I would be able to travel the world. (如果我中了彩票,我就能环游世界。) 示例2:If she loved him, she would be happier. (如果她爱他,她会更幸福。) - "would be":在虚拟条件句中用于...


3.If I won a million dollars in the lottery, I would put it in the bank.知识点2. He doesn’t know if he should bring a present.此处if表示“是否”,引导宾语从句。Should此处表示“应该”。不是虚拟语气。E.g.1. ...


7. In the absence of aggressive legislation, the lottery business is sure to mushroom, as organized groups invade territory held today by small-time pioneers.在缺少有力的立法的情况下,彩票公司一定会壮大,...

show you off 中文歌词

Damn it feels like I won the lottery 这感觉就像中了头彩 Don't know if I'm awake or if I'm dreaming 恍若身处梦境 Sometimes I got to pinch myself to see 有时我甚至想确认自己是否清醒着 Damn, all the...

the lucky lottery内容简介

L is for Lucky. . . .And that's just how Lucky O'Leary feels when the lottery ticket his grandfather sends him for Christmas turns out to be a million-dollar winner! But before Lucky can cash it in,...

no less than是什么意思

不少于,多达; 不下于 双语例句 1. He is lined up for no less than four US television interviews.多达4家美国电视媒体排期邀请他上节目接受采访。来自柯林斯例句 2. He won no less than £5000 in the lottery...
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