1) 来自古英语的复数形式,如:child—children,foot—feet,tooth—teeth,goose—geese,man—men,woman—women,mouse—mice,louse—lice,ox—oxen,penny—pence,analysis—analyses,appendix—appendices,parenthesis—parentheses,basis—bases,ellipsis—ellipses,axis—axes,hypothesis—hypotheses,...
At the end, I still need to write a sentense. I love you. Beg your forgive. yours maths 看你是学数学的吧,附:常用数学用语翻译供参考。 数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理axiom 定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题proposition 算术...
二、grandmother用法 主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意为“祖母;女祖先”;作动词时意为“ 当…的祖母;当祖母”。grandmother可以用作名词 grandmother的基本意思是“(外)祖母”,指父亲或母亲的母亲。与grandmother对应的阳性名词是grandfather。三、短语搭配 grandmother hypothesis 祖母假说 Grandmother ...
- The newspaper quoted the president's statement from his speech.报纸引用了总统在演讲中的声明。2. 语境不同: Cite 在学术或研究论文中更常用,而 Quote 在日常交流和文学作品中更常用。例句:- The report cited various sources to support the researcher's hypothesis.报告引用了各种来源来支持...
The teacher demonstrated how to solve the math problem.(老师演示了如何解决这个数学问题。)The experiment demonstrated that the hypothesis was correct.(实验证明了假设是正确的。)The protesters demonstrated against the government's new policy.(抗议者反对政府的新政策。)The company's sales...
2、读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞使人善辩,凡有...The most important thing for me to succeed in science is to love science and persist in long
下面是一些关于"series"的拓展用法:1. 电视剧和电影系列: "Series"经常用来描述连续播放的电视剧或电影。例如:I love watching the "Game of Thrones" series.(我喜欢看《权力的游戏》系列。)2. 书籍系列: "Series"也可以用来描述一系列相关的书籍。例如:I am reading the "Harry Potter" ...
2、做你所应做的事情,能有什么结果则在其次。——赫伯特 Do what you should do, what can result in a second. 3、爱情是最甜蜜的欢乐,最强烈的痛苦。——菲利浦·贝利 Love is the sweetest joy, the wildest woe. 4、习惯,我们每个人或多或少都是它的奴隶。——高汀 Habit, every one of us more...
Seeking truth scientifically requires our intellect to never insist on a certain hypothesis. 9、在科学思维中常常伴着诗的因素,真正的科学和真正的音乐...The most important thing for me to succeed in science is to love science and persist in long-term exploration. 30、科学是人类积累的知识的巨大宝库...
Logical fallacy consists of three parts : material fallacy ,verbal fallacy and formal fallacy.?Poisoning the Well 井下放毒(毫无事实根据地过早地否定了一个人)?Hypothesis contrary to Fact 与事实相反的谬误结论 ?False analogy 错误类比 ?Ad Misericordian文不对题/答非所问 ?Post Hoc ...