
the pearl


Pearl 翻译成中文是什么意思?

for use as an ornament.宝石,珍珠珍珠或矿石,已被切割或抛光而作为装饰品 3. Next to good judgment, diamond and pearl are the rarest things in the world.次于真知灼见者,为钻石与珍珠为世上最罕有之物耳。 4. The pearl sparkled in the moonlight.那颗珍珠在月光下闪闪发光。


He tried gold mining, pearling and fur trapping.他尝试过淘金,采珍珠和猎兽皮。adj. 珍珠般的 词形变化 现在分词: pearling 名词复数: pearls 过去式: pearled 过去分词: pearled 例句:The pearl sparkled in the moonlight.那颗珍珠在月光下闪闪发光。Next to good judgment, diamond and pearl...




3、Pearls of dew glistened on the grass.草地上露珠晶莹剔透。4、The pearl sparkled in the moonlight.那颗珍珠在月光下闪闪发光。5、She pearled her dress with tiny beads.她用小珠子把她的连衣裙装饰起来。6、The soap bubbles pearled on the surface of the water.肥皂泡在水面上呈珍珠状...


He tried gold mining, pearling and fur trapping.他尝试过淘金,采珍珠和猎兽皮。adj. 珍珠般的 词形变化 现在分词: pearling 名词复数: pearls 过去式: pearled 过去分词: pearled 例句:The pearl sparkled in the moonlight.那颗珍珠在月光下闪闪发光。Next to good judgment, diamond and pearl...


vt. 使成珠状;用珍珠装饰;使呈珍珠色 pearl river 珠江(位于中国南部)pearl river delta 珠江三角洲 oriental pearl 东方明珠;东方之珠;东方珍珠 pearl powder 珍珠粉;珠光粉(化妆品用)pearl harbor 珍珠港(美国夏威夷港口)eg:Inside, there was an enormous and beautiful pearl - the ...



the pearl source是哪个国家品牌

The Pearl Source,是 美国品牌。Pearl Source于1991在洛杉矶珠宝区正式成立,是美国最早的散珍珠直接进口商和批发商之一。


Why is the Girl with the pearl earring Vermeer’s best-loved painting? It must have something to do with the fact that the girl looks over her shoulder, as though hoping to see who is standing behind her. This draws the viewer into the picture, suggesting that he is the one...

香港叫 ”东方之珠”, 英文系乜 ?

一定要有"the"因为得一个 所以对上个位错左-.- 系The Pearl of the Orient Orient = 东方 Pearl = 珍珠 The Pearl of the Orient 2009-07-29 22:17:42 补充: HOng Kong is known as the Pearl of the Orient.Pearl of the Orient = 东方之珠 Yaha!参考: Yahoo 聪明笔+myself Hong ...
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