
the therapist



therapist英[ˈθerəpɪst]美[ˈθɛrəpɪst]n.治疗专家,特定疗法技师 名词复数:therapists [例句]In some cases , it 's quite clear that the therapist has primed the ...


How the therapist conducts the massage session will affect the client, too. For a vata person, the therapist will calm him and create steadiness and grounding strength by using slow, meditative, gentle movements...

...is not exclusively dependent on the therapist’s skills, the...



problem指客观上存在的、难以处理或难以理解的问题,指要解答的、须解决的或供讨论的问题,也可指难以处理的问题,还可指数学习题。question通常指用口头或书面提出来要求回答或有待讨论解决的问题。如The students asked a lot...

Dreamgirls In Concert的《The Rap》 歌词

Outsider's back at U with a bad ass attitude the second record wreckin all the suckas keikei on the beat we straight illin, killin the rotten minds rap the rap is the therapist the rap is the therapist...


根源用英语说是rot。一、发音英:[/ruːt/];美:[/rut/]二、中文翻译n. 根;根源;根本 v. (使)生根;扎根于,在……中根深蒂固;根源在于,由……产生(be rooted in);使(某人)无法移动;(动物...

mom knowns best英语作文

"Maybe that's a part of the problem," said the therapist, kindly."What?"Maybe that's part of the problem. You're living in a house without walls. Your house needs walls.""I don't think you ...

talk to和talk with的区别是什么?

例句:- Talk to: "The counselor talked to the teenager about the importance of mental health."- Talk with: "The therapist talked with the patient to understand their concerns and fears."

active imagination翻译

关于active imagination翻译如下:活跃的想象力 I took him to counseling when he was a child, but the therapist simply said Quentin had an active imagination and would grow out of it.他还是个小孩的时候,我带他...

Cleavant Derricks的《The Rap》 歌词

专辑:Dreamgirls Outsider's back at U with a bad ass attitude the second record wreckin all the suckas keikei on the beat we straight illin, killin the rotten minds rap the rap is the therapist the rap ...
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