
their breath white in the frosty air.可以说一下white在这里是动词...



In the frosty air the breath ing out of their nostrils looked like *** oke. "And what pray are you?" said the Lady looking hard at Edmund. "I'm-I'm-my name's Edmund " said Edmund rather awkwardly. He did not like the way she looked at him. The Lady frowned "Is that how yo...

英汉翻译原理 2

All the worries about my patients' illnesses, as well as my own personal cares, seemed to evaporate as quickly as the smoky vapor of my breath in the frosty night. As I incorporated walking into my schedule, not only were my spirits lifted, but my weight and blood pressure were gradually...

麻烦各位大虾帮我翻译一下这段英文 感激不尽

走-- 象游泳, 骑自行车和跑-- 是建立容量为能量产品和物理耐力由增加氧气供应对皮肤和肌肉的一有氧锻炼。这样的锻炼也许是一个主要因素在心脏和循环疾病的预防。因为大概最少吃力, 最安全的有氧活动, 走是最可接受的锻炼为最了不起的人数。走以舒适的速度比多数锻炼的其它形式改进心肺系统的效率经过...

英译汉 高手请进

散步 - 喜欢游泳,骑车,跑步 - 是一种有氧运动,它建立了能量输出和身体耐力,增加氧气供应,皮肤和肌肉的能力。这种运动可能是在心脏和循环系统疾病预防的主要因素。认为可能是最不费劲,最安全的有氧运动,散步是为最多的人最能接受锻炼。以舒适的速度步行提高了刺激肺部和心脏的心肺系统的效率,但...


The moonrise startles birds to sing, Their twitter fills the dale with spring.8.山行 杜牧 远上寒山石径斜,白云生处有人家。 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。 1⃣️To the Autumn Hill Translated by Zhu Manhua Climbing the cold hill afar on a rocky way, I see white clouds rising from the...


They are in the bloom of youth.他们处在青春时代。These fruits have a bloom upon them.这些水果有粉衣。bloom[blu:m]vt.使繁荣; 使开花使艳丽在(光洁、清亮物体)上产生一片云雾状的区域起晕; 浮散; (给透镜)涂层初轧; 把...轧成钢坯Their breath bloomed the frosty pane.他们呼出的水气, 在冰冷的...


Her lips were half asunder, as if she meant to speak, and she drew a breath; but it escaped in a sigh instead of a sentence. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles...


“自始至终都是邓布利多的人,”哈利说,“没错。” ——The White Tomb 哈利波特与魔法石 Harry:You? No it can’t be; Snape he was he was the one--- 哈利:你?不!怎么会?应该是斯内普! Quirrell:Yes he does seem the type doesn’t he? Next to him who would suspect p-p-poor st-st-stu...


Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮当 叮叮当 铃儿响叮当 Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我们滑雪多快乐 我们坐在雪橇上 2、We wish you a merry Christmas 词曲:Enya We wish you a Merry Christmas 我们祝你圣诞快乐 We wish you a Merry ...


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