stock 英 [stɒk] 美 [stɑ:k]1、n. 存货;储备;树干;股票;股份 2、v. 采购;储存;供给;发新芽 3、adj. 惯用的;存货的 词汇搭配:1、checka stock清点存货 2、take stock盘点,估计 3、dead stock滞销商品 4、large stock大量存货 例句:We have a large stock of tinned ...
Jiaozi(chinese Dumpling) is a traditional chinese food ,which is essention during holidays in nor thern china.Chinese dumpling becomes one of the most widely love food in china.Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in chinese new year.Since the shape of chinese ...
1、童子鸡Spring chicken 将童子鸡的英文名称定为Spring chicken是符合中英文语言特征的。童子鸡的中文含义是没有交配的小鸡,而英语中一般用春、夏、秋、冬来形容小动物的年龄特征,初生到性成熟前的鸡一般用Spring chicken来表示。2、红烧狮子头Braised pork ball in brown sauce 红烧狮子头在标准译法中...
(2)[方]∶发怒时把脸拉长像马脸 [draw face]。如:马起面孔叫他们出去(3)驾着马 [take horse;control a horse]裘马过世家。――《聊斋志异·促织》(4)又如:裘马扬扬马(1)马mǎ(2)大的[big]。如:马道(大路);马包(被包。中间开口、两旁可以塞进东西的长布袋);马船(大型官船);马溜子船(航行速度...
uniform U Tinned food V Examine W Attack mode X Exit from X Time Bomb Y Order to look Z Flame-thrower Z Reveal and Hide control panel `Enemy view Tab Stand up and Crawl Space
fresher是比较级的说法,more fresh是修饰说法,morefresh是more与fresh的合写。moreadv.1. 更, 更加2. (程度上)更强,更多3.更,更大程度地;更大范围内4. 而且5. 另外;再;此外;倒;倒不如说,进一步地 adj.1. 更多的2. 更大的,较大的;较多的;更重要的,更大程度的3. 另外的,...
Main eight islands and more than 120 island, from southeast to northwest oblique tropic, across more than 2,400 from the wind, km northwest of Hawaii to the library ray island (not including midway island). The eight main tropic islands in the south, equivalent to narrow the Hawaiian ...
grape 葡萄、banana 香蕉、pineapple 菠萝、plum 李子、watermelon 西瓜等等。1、grape 英[greɪp] 美[ɡrep]n. 葡萄; 深紫色,葡萄紫;[例句]These accusations have been going on for some time now, but it is just sour grapes.2、banana 英[bəˈnɑ:n<...