
to send it 和 for sending it的区别



:to send somebody to do something2、派某人去做某事to send (someone) for a doctor3、派某人去请大夫4、使前往;使进入(to ):to send to the prison进监狱5、寄,发送(信件,邮包等):to send a letter to somebody6、投,掷;击出:to send a punch to the jaw一拳击在下巴上7、...


vi. 派人;寄信 n. 上升运动 n. (Send)人名;(德)森德 [ 过去式 sent 过去分词 sent 现在分词 sending ]【专业释义及短语】send [send]vt.1、打发,派遣,差遣,派…前去(请人等):to send somebody to do something 2、派某人去做某事 to send (someone) for a doctor 3、派某人去请...


flight.派另一架飞机继续飞行。7、Send the furniture back to the store.把家具送回商店。8、Send him to an after-school art class.送他去课后艺术课。9、Send me your address and phone number.发给我你的地址和电话号码。10、He had an urgent message to send.他有一个紧急消息要发布。


please send my email at robin at your firend cn。意思是:请把我的电子邮件给robin和你的朋友cn看一下。用作不及物动词 (vi.)1、I think we need to send out for the missing lamb.我想我们得派个人去找那头迷路的小羊羔。2、I want to send away for some books I need.我想发函购买...


2、I sent to invite her to hang out with me.我发信息邀请她和我一起出去逛街。3、John was sent to Africa for training.约翰被派遣到非洲进行培训。4、I'll send her a letter next week.下周我会给她寄一封信 5、Could you scan the document and send it to me via email?你可以...


send的用法和搭配 1、send可表示“使……被送到”,但是没有“赠送”的含义。Thank you for sending the flowers. 谢谢你送花。句中的send不是赠送的意思。2、动词send,take和give在同一类型句子中表示不同意思。I shall send the book to him tomorrow.我会在明天把这本书(托人梢或从邮局寄)...


send sb to Coventry(BrE) 拒绝与某人交谈,不理某人(作为惩罚——to refuse to speak to sb, as a way of punishing them for sth that they have done give/send my love to sb(informal)向某人致意(或问候)——used to send good wishes to sb——Give my love to Mary when you...



...father is the one___. 为何答案是to send it to 急急!

send的用法是sb. send sth. to sb./sp.即某人送某物给某人或某地 主语是我爸爸,所以后面是to send it to 如果主语是信息,后面应该是to be sent 来自【学习宝典】团队 有不明白的地方欢迎追问 如果认可我的回答 请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮 谢谢~...


A. to send B. for sending it C. to send it to D. for sending it to39. Do let your mother know all the truth, she appears ___ everything.A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told40. There are five pairs ___, but I’m at a loss which to buy...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
