
to wind its way down 是什么意思呀?最好有例句提供


...by Leslie Marmon Silko 写的是什么? 有中文意思就更好了 谢谢呀...

Ken stopped the pickup at the church, and肯停在教堂的皮卡,并 Leon莱昂 got out; and then Ken drove down the hill to the graveyard where people were waiting.下了车,然后驱车下山肯到墓地,人们在等着。 Leon莱昂 knocked at the old carved door with its symbols of the Lamb.敲了旧刻有其...


Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way. 103 根是地下的枝。 枝是空中的根。 Roots are the branches down in the earth. Branches are roots in the air. 104 远远去了的夏之音乐,翱翔于秋间,寻求它的旧垒。 The ...

有谁知道caught 是什么意思吗?

2. 捕获物(或量)[C]The fisherman had a good catch.渔夫捕到许多鱼。3. 窗钩,门扣;把手[C]4. 【口】圈套;隐藏的困难[C]There must be a catch to that last question.最后那个问题里面一定有圈套。5. 接球游戏[U]a.1. 吸引人的;使人感兴趣的 Advertisements often contain catch phrases...


Every tide hath ist ebb.潮涨必有潮落时。 Everybody's business is nobody�s business. 三个和尚没水吃 Everyone to his taste. Everything has its time and that time must be watched.万物皆惺保�崩床豢墒А?br> Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的教师。 Experience is the father...


医书里说有两样东西,是最好的灵丹妙药: 一个是开心的笑容,一个是睡个饱觉.5、A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.如果一个男人真爱你,永远不会丢下你,不管情形有多难。6、A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous —— ...


The firm has decided to close its London branch.公司已决定伦敦分店停业。结束;完成The speech abruptly closed.演讲突然结束。合拢;靠拢They closed on the heels of the runner.他们紧跟在跑者之后。Left close!向左靠拢!closen.结束;终了;完结to come to a close结束;终止close down(广播电台、电视台)停止...


For its words have meaning that walks and music that soars. 205 太阳在西方落下时,他的早晨的东方已静悄悄地站在他面前。 When the sun goes down to the West, the East of his morning stands before him in silence. 206 让我不要错误地把自己放在我的世界里而使它反对我。 Let me not put my...


break的中文:打碎;折断 break 读法 英 [breɪk] 美 [breɪk]1、v. 打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断;透露;变弱;锐减;结束 2、n. 破裂;休息;中断;急冲;好运 短语 1、break a hole in a wall在墙上开个孔 2、break a journey中途下车 3、break a leg折断了腿 4、break ...


Come with me to the Gates of Dawn. 跟随我通往曙光之门 ­­And whose is the hand who raises 谁抬起了那只手 ­The sun from the heaving sea? 将太阳托出汹涌的大海­The power that ever amazes 这种令人惊愕的力量 ­We look, but never will see? 我们看到却永远...

fall by和fall to区别

接下来让我们看下fall by和fall to的用法区别:1.含义:fall by 表示数量、比例、程度等的下降或减少;fall to 表示开始从事某种活动或投入某种状态 例子:- Sales fell by 10%.(销售额下降了10%。)- He fell to music composition.(他开始从事音乐创作。)2.词汇搭配:fall by 后接表示数量、...
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