
toss up


toss up中文是什么意思

toss up 英 [tɔs ʌp] 美 [tɔs ʌp]向上掷,向上扬

toss it up是什么意思

toss up的意思有:1. 匆匆准备 2. (比赛场地)挑边 3. 难以抉择(引申) 4. 把硬币抛向空中以决定某事


① toss aside 扔弃,搁置不管 ②toss off 轻易完成,一饮而尽 ③toss up (打赌时)掷(钱币)④toss out of the game放弃这个游戏,弃游了 ⑤toss out 扔出 词语:①toss one's glass 举杯一饮而尽 ②toss sth. aside 把某物抛在一边 ③toss a salad 拌色拉 ④toss about in bed 在床...

It's a low, how to toss up英文意思?

It Is a low, how to toss up 这是低处,怎么扔上去?If you accept my answer Please give me a Cheer up Thank you very much 满意请采纳关注


掷钱pitch-and-toss英音 ['pitʃən'tɔs;-'tɔ:s] ; 美音 ['pitʃən't... toss off v.一饮而尽,轻而易举地处理 toss up v.匆匆准备,掷钱币决胜负 toss about 辗转反侧。英语表示'掷钱'的词及近义词辨析,英语pitch-and-toss、toss-up词语辨析。


崔亨旭(西区·东区,Likely P,预测当选不确定)和徐银淑(釜山镇区·甲,Lean P,预测郑圣国)的当选,进一步巩固了保守派的阵地。东莱区的竞争尤为激烈,朴省炫和徐知英的对决,国力徐知英有望脱颖而出,但评级为Toss-up,预测朴洙莹可能胜出。北区则是两党势力的胶着地带,田载秀(民主党稳固)...


1.They may be pleased or they may be not—it's a toss up.他们也许满意,也许不满意——难说。来源: dj.iciba.com 2.Discontent is the first step in progress.不满意是进步的开端。来源: dj.iciba.com 3.If you do not like them, you will be under no obligation whatever.如不...


argue the toss 作无谓的争执;争论已决定的事情 lose the toss 在掷钱币中失败 toss off 一口喝干(酒);毫不费力的做出;一口气做完 toss out 丢弃;扔掉;拒绝接受;淘汰;驱除;开除 toss up 一下子做好(菜等);掷钱(以决定某事) win the toss 在掷钱中获胜 ---keep in touch (with) (与…)保持联系 out ...


104 toss-up--- even chance 原意为抛硬币,引申为“对半开的机会”It is a toss-up whether he will win or lose. 105 pratfall---a comedy fall upon one's buttocks 屁蹲儿 106 poofter/pooftah/poufer: (Derogatory) 1. a male homo***ual. 2. an effeminate male. --adjective 3. homo***...


信手拈来的解释[toss;pick up at random;have words,materials etc.at one's fingertips and write with facility] 随手 取来。 形容 写 文章 等时词汇或材料 丰富 ,能熟练运用 信手拈来尽可惊。——宋· 陆游 《秋风亭拜寇莱公遗像》 详细解释 不加思索地随手拿来。常 ...
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