



where。当先行词是case,condition,situation,position,point,stage等名词时,表示情况、方面、处境时,用where引导定语从句。例如:I can think of many cases where students know a lot of words but don’t write a good essay.定语从句的先行词是many cases,定语从句的句子结构很完整,故从句中...

新编实用英语综合教程2第三版第四单元climer lodge翻译

17. Because we are unable to provide housekeeping services on weekends, weekend guests will be provided with extra towels to make your stay more comfortable.由于周末我们不能提供清扫房间服务,为了保证度周末的客人起居舒适,我们为您提供了备用毛巾。18. We apologize for any inconvenience ...


Preheat: Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F) or 180°C for fan-forced. Lightly grease a 12 x 1/3 cup capacity standard muffin tray or line with paper cases.预热: 把烤箱调至风动制式预热, 设定200摄氏度(也就是400华氏度) 或180摄氏度. 薄薄的给一板12 X 三分之一杯的...


1.Can you try to hurry up?2.Can our seat forward as far as possible?3.Here are no towels in my room!


纸巾的英文是:napkin 词语分析:音标:英 ['næpkɪn]     美 ['næpkɪn]n.餐巾;一小块布或毛巾;卫生巾 短语:fold a napkin 折叠餐巾 lay a napkin 放餐巾纸 例句:I need another plate and a napkin.我再要一只碟子和一条餐巾。He wipes his mouth on ...

用英语解释句子 急用啊paraphrase the following sentences.

1.I am blind and he is my eyes.—I cannot see anything and he is my assistant to see the outside world.2.Can you tell me the location of the fire exit?—Can you tell me where the fire exit is?3.I wet some towels and put them along the bottom of the door.—I ...


Prevention of global warming in the family! 10 challenge 1. air conditioning temperature setting difference between the upper and lower Can reduce CO2 emission → 1 year 31 kilograms 2. driving two days a week, by 8 km 3. drive less 1 day 5 minutes 4. unplug the main ...


1 Measure how far away potentially flammable items, such as hand towels, paper towels or curtains, are from the cooktop of your oven. They should be at least 3 feet away.测量潜在火源之前的距离,如手巾、纸巾、窗帘等,保证它们远离做饭的炉子。它们至少得隔3英尺远。2 Never leave ...

薯条how to cut?

,成份:4 - 6介质的土豆 油煎(蔬菜、油菜).准备.1.烤箱预热至400度的油.2.马铃薯的皮,切成细或厚条(无论预期).马铃薯片放入冷开水冲洗.3.用4 - 5分钟直到金黄色的颜色.4.拆卸炸薯条和消耗油抹纸.上面洒盐,就立即上桌.,成份:烤土豆、6大——切成条 深平底——油 盐- 如何使薯条.切土豆...


6/X=2/5 so X=15 12Five different points A,B,C,D,and E lie on a line in that order.The length of AD is 4.5 and the length of BE is 3.5.If the length of CD is 2,what is one possible value for the length of BC?2<BC+2<3.5 2<BC+2<4.5(没用的啊)...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
