



toy基本含义 n. 玩具; 玩物; 玩意儿;adj. 玩具的; 作玩具的; 个头很小的; 小体型品种的;v. 玩弄; 调情; 随随便便地对待;第三人称单数:toys 复数:toys 现在分词:toying 过去式:toyed toy双语例句 Which toy do you like?你喜欢哪个玩具?I like your toy!我喜欢你的玩具!What do...

toys 什么意思

习惯用语 make a toy of 把...当作玩具 把...当儿戏 toy with 摆弄(某物); 玩弄(女人等) 不认真考虑或对待(某种计划、想法等)现代英汉词典toy n.toys 玩具 供人玩赏的小狗 词性变化 vi.toyed, toying (常与with连用)不认真地对待;玩弄,戏弄 简明英汉词典toy n.玩具 ...


toys 由于y前面是元音o,复数直接加s。例如:boy/boys 1.基本变化规则 ①一般在名词后加s,变成复数.如boy→boys,pen→pens等.②以s,x,sh,ch结尾的,在后面加es.如class→classes,fox→foxes,brush→brushes,watch→watches.但stomach的复数为stomachs.③“以辅音字母+y”结尾的,y变为i,然后再加e...


4、娱乐的(adjective):形容某种活动或事物是为了提供娱乐和乐趣而设计。Example:The event features toy train rides and face painting。5、当作玩具(verb):把某物当作玩具来玩耍或调戏。Example:The cat enjoys toying with the mouse。6、对待不认真(verb):对某人或某事不认真对待,玩弄他们...


toy音标是英 [tɒɪ]或美 [tɔɪ] ,句中作为名词、形容词和动词使用。一、词汇分析 toy n. 玩具;小装饰品;不值钱的东西vi. 玩弄;调情;随随便便地对待adj. 作为玩具的;玩物似的 二、短语 1、toy shop n. 玩具店 2、toy train 玩具火车 3、wooden toy 木制玩具 ...


vi.1.摆弄;戏弄(与 with 连用):例句:to toy with matches 摆弄火柴2.调情,调戏,玩弄(女人等)(与 with连用):例句:He is toying with the girl’s feelings.他在玩弄那个女孩的感情。3.随便想到;不很认真地对待(某种想法):例句:Don’t toy with great issues.别把重大问题当儿戏。


She makes a toy of housekeeping.她把料理家务当作消遣。3、adj. 作为玩具的 例句:This toy robot is the latest craze all over the world.这种玩具机器人最近风靡全世界。4、v. 玩弄;随随便便地对待 I was toying with a thought to write a book.我最近很很随意的想到去写一本书。

basshunter dota歌词大意

with the opponents we're toying.We're sitting here in ventrilo playing some dota.Running around creeping,the opponents we're sleeping.Let's get it on!We're sitting here in ventrilo playing some dota.We push on and we're owning,with the opponents we're toying.We're sitting ...


We're sitting here in ventrilo playing some dota.I hear you,man.We're sitting here in ventrilo playing some dota.I feel you,man.We're sitting here in ventrilo playing some dota.We push on and we're owning,with the opponents we're toying.We're sitting here in ventrilo ...


注意play with 除了有“和某人一起玩”的意思,也可以表示玩弄感情,“play with sb's feelings”。例句:Ann broke up with Tom because he was just toying with her.安和汤姆分手了,因为他只是在玩弄她。2、toy boy 我们肯定不能将toy boy简单的理解成“玩具男孩”,因为其本意是指“小白脸(...
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