


谁帮我 用 英语翻译 下这句话 :(生活的琐事,只有让我越来越心痛。)_百 ...

Small things in life bring me pains.简单的翻译 ,只求切中要点。"生活中的琐事 "将它翻成 small things in life 。直译就是: 生活中的小事, 让我越来越心痛, 将它翻成: bring me pains .直译 就是: 带给我痛苦。


(老鼠与狮子的小故事引出观点)I fully agree that trivial things play an important part in our life.Such examples can be seen easily in our daily life. A good case in point is, as we can see, a word of encouragement from a sincere teacher often changes a downhearted student’...

trivial solution是什么意思

trivial solution:平凡解 平凡解是数学词汇,即方程中的0解。例如:方程AX=0,显然X=0是其中一个解;因为这个解是显而易见的,故称平凡解。


Trivial step is the 61 classes of primary school students, smart, mischievous, sense of obligation and knowledgeable, like a practical joke. 一天,由于一个很偶然的意外,步平凡陷入昏迷之中。 One day, due to a very fortuitous accident, an extraordinary step into a coma. 步平凡的爸爸...

ty结尾的英语单词,越多越好 汉语意思……

innovative this year, putting aside your trusty red rose.是新鲜的和创新,今年撇开您可信赖的红玫瑰。5、triviality:[ˌtrɪvi:ˈælɪti:]释义:n.琐屑,无聊。例句:He was surprised by the triviality of her anxieties.她对琐碎小事的忧心忡忡使他感到惊讶。


far from trivial 不会妄自菲薄。并非易事。更多例句筛选 1.That is far from trivial, but well below the 40% of GDP that bad loansamounted to in the late 1990s.这不是个无关痛痒的事,但是也远远低于90年代相当于GDP40%的呆账。2.In practice, remembering the population of some of ...

little 怎么读?

近似同义词mere; petite; trivial; baby; fussy; insignificant;反义词小的;少的;琐碎的 [形容词]big; large; bulky; great; huge; enormous; immense; vast; much; important;近似反义词gigantic; giant; gross;相关词组Little pitchers have large ears.小孩子耳朵长。(指当心别让小孩子听到)Little ...


These groups tend to be given trivial (unsystematic) names, e.g., the alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, pnictogens, chalcogens, and noble gases. Some other groups in the periodic table display fewer similarities and/or vertical trends (for example Group 14), and these have no...


Performance-Avoidance (标准的词)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
