



问题一:跋涉的涉是什么意思 您好,跋涉是形容行路辛苦。涉,单独来解释就是到,比如涉水,就是说到水边或者进入水里。祝愉快!问题二:跋涉的涉是什么意思? 涉:涉水 跋涉 跋涉 [bá shè][释义] 同爬山涉水。形容旅途艰苦 问题三:跋涉的意思 跋涉 báshè [trudge;trek] 同“爬山涉水”。


Go, sirrah, trudge about Through fair Verona; find those persons out Whose names are written there, and to them say, My house and welcome on their pleasure stay. Exeunt CAPULET and PARIS Servant Find them out whose names are written here! It is written, that the shoemaker should meddle wi...

R语言 date.back是什么意思?

date back是正式的英语短语,意思是“回溯至”,而track back可以理解为“走回”,一般不用来表示回溯到,例句:We had to trudge up the track back to the station. 我们不得不沿路艰难地走回车站。1、date back 英[deit bæk] 美[det bæk][词典] 回溯至;[例句]This...

写一篇frankenstein的观后感 100字左右的英语作文

I, Frankenstein is not a total mess. The film does contain some impressive special effects, as well as cast of reasonably well-known actors that help the audience to trudge through the incredibly predictable and uninteresting story. The events of the classic Frankenstein novel are ...


while their parents or grand parents might trudge over a long distance before they kissed each other and became lovers when they were young.However, we should not be amazed at the generation gap,for it is quite natural in the development of society. The world is a changing worl...

set off 的用法

set off immediately if sth.happens.做好准备,一旦有事,马上出动.The slightest spark can set off the explosives stored here.一点点火星就能够使储存这里的火药爆炸.They've set off for the long trudge home.他们出发了,长途步行回家.He proposed to set off immediately.他建议立即动身....


"start" 通常表示“开始”。具体可以根据不同语境表示不同含义,例如:He will start his new job next week. (他下周将开始他的新工作。)The race will start in five minutes. (比赛将在五分钟后开始。)


Stagger(蹒跚), plod(重步走), pace(踱步), loiter(闲逛), stride(大步走), strut(昂首阔步), ramble(漫步), lurk(潜伏), creep(爬行), stroll(闲逛), trudge(艰难地走), lurch(摇摆不定地走), limp(跛行), crawl(爬), rush (快步走) 好好记住这些词,下文还会用上哒~这些小词对翻译写作和阅读都...


给你个脱的 她可是美术系的系花哦 两个匈又圆又挺 她Ϙ2011崋昫68843 演出非常放肆的;非常爽 那个真是吸引人哦、让我垂涎五尺的、paper] Go, sirrah, trudge aboue? Tho thee, old Capulet, and Mont my love? The all-seeing sun Ne'er saw her match sut she; She is the ...
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