



词性不一样 truth是名词,1. 实话;事实;实情[the S]Neither witness told the truth.两个见证人都没有讲实话。2. 真实性,实质[U]I don't believe the truth of that story.我不相信那个故事是真的。3. 真理[C]All great truths begin as blasphemies.一切伟大的真理起初都被视为大逆不道的...


自明之理 It is a universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.我们在工作中越往上晋升,那些最初的工作技能就用得越少,这是明摆着的普遍事实。公认的原则;原理;法则 the truths of astronomy 天文学原理 ...

truths 读音 后面那个s的音能发出吗?可以写下音标,谢谢!



truth作为名词,意思有真相;实情;事实;真实情况;真实;真实性;真理。复数形式为truths。例句:I don't think you are telling me the whole truth about what happened.我认为你没有把事情的全部真相都告诉我。There is no truth in the rumours.这些谣言毫无根据。She was forced to face up to a...

the truth that you leave什么意思

the truth that you leave直译为“你离开的真相”。truth [英][tru:θ][美][truθ]n.真理; 真相,事实; 忠实,忠诚; 现实,现实性;复数:truths 例句:1、A number of us miss this simple truth.我们当中许多人都忽略了这个简单的真理。2、Is it possible to separate truth from fiction?有...


n,真相;实情; 事实。其他复数:truths 。例句:Is it possible to separate truth from fiction?有可能把事实与虚构分开吗?4.real和true都只可以作为形容词表示真”,truth只可以做名词,表示真理。5.词义的区别 real和true两个形容词都可以表示真的意思。但real指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它...

the truth that you leave怎么读

the truth that you leave 中文意思是:你离开的真相 也可以读作:The truth that you leave The Truth That You Leave 你离开的真相;你离开的事实;钢琴曲;重录 truth 英 [tru:θ] 美 [truθ]n.真理;真相,事实;忠实,忠诚;现实,现实性 复数: truths leave 英 [li:v] 美 [liv]v...


简单来说, the 用於指定的东西事物的冠词, 真相(truth)通常只有一个, 当然是指定的了(逻辑上没有任意一个真相的呀), 所以用the.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among ...

truth lies at the botten of a well怎么读

truth lies at the botten of a well 中文意思是:真相就在一个最 也可以读作:The truth is in one of the most truth 英 [tru:θ] 美 [truθ]n.真理;真相,事实;忠实,忠诚;现实,现实性 复数: truths lies n.谎言;谎言( lie的名词复数 );位置;假象 v.说谎;说谎;躺卧,说谎;...
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