



1. WOMEN 2. Dresses - 女装连衣裙 3. Tops - 上衣 4. VT Polos - 带领衬衫 5. T-Shirts - T恤衫 6. Sweatshirts & Hoodies - 运动衫&连帽外套 7. Cardigans & Shrugs - 羊毛衫&小坎 8. Tunics - 紧身短上衣 9. Tank Tops - 吊带背心 10. Shirts & Blouses - 女衬衫 11. Clas...


加个s改变词性,形容词变成了名词 http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=ics&searchmode=none 都在上表中,有三页 suf. 表示“ ... 学; ... 术”[构成名词后缀][通常用作单数]表示“…学”,“…术”,“…研究”:linguistics,physics [常用作复数]表示“性质”...


5.People love this city, and they will make it a better place.2.英语作文介绍城市的句子 Beijing If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t'ai chi in the Square, put them to rest: this city has embarked...




If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t'ai chi in the Square, put them to rest: this city has embarked on a new-millennium roller-coaster and it's taking the rest of China with it. The spinsterish Beijing of old...


3.城市的英语句子 1.The city life is quite different from the country life. 2. His dream of crossing the Pacific came true finally. 3.That day there was another disaster in store for her. 4.Yhe new car can run at a speed of 150 miles per hour. 5.All my friends kept...


声音效果:5 操作系统:5 创意创新:6 电脑AI:7 耐玩程度:8 难度设定:7 综合评价:7 刀锋的基本战斗操作&各个职业技能翻译 基本战斗操作 摇杆 移动 ╳ 使用武器攻击 △ 使用特技1 ○ 使用特技2 □ 调查、对话、捡起物品 L 使用红药水回复体力 R+L 使用蓝药水回复魔法 R+╳ 近身攻击/远程攻击转换 R+△ 近距...


3、Gym tunics and knee socks looked absurd on such a tall girl.这么高的女孩穿紧身衣和及膝袜看上去怪模怪样的。4、The exhibition features such inclusions as the study of the little girl.展览会特色参展物有对小女孩的研究等。5、Everyone would be amazed that a young girl could ...
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