





On this our wedding day.Do not forsake me O my darlin'Wait, wait along.The noonday train will bring Frank Miller.If I'm a man I must be brave And I must face that deadly killer Or lie a coward, a craven coward,Or lie a coward in my grave.O to be torn 'twixt love...


早期电影作品 哈罗德·劳埃德早期电影作品年代 名称 1913 The Old Monk's Tale The Twelfth Juror Cupid in a Dental Parlor Hulda of Holland His Chum the Baron A Little Hero Rory o' the Bogs 1914 Twixt Love and Fire Sealed Orders Samson The Sandhill Lovers The...


Twixt six thick thumbs stick six thick sticks.特威克斯特六只粗大的拇指夹着六根粗粗的棍子 If you understand , say ''understand''. If you don't understand, say ''don't understand''.But if you understand and say ''don't understand''. how do I understand that you understand ...


1、Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit。 爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。2、The course of true love never did run smooth。真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。3、Love is merely a madness。 爱情不过是一种疯狂。4、Beauty provoketh ...


2. Blessed is he who experts nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.不奢望得到任何东西的人最幸福,因为他永远不会失望。相似的谚语有:There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. 杯到嘴边还会失手。汉语谚语“知足长乐”的意思与此句相似。3. Better wear out shoes than ...


but seem to murmur “Oh be mine” And as gliding silently, no words are said twixt you and me, The heart speaks those sweet words I love you alone. Hear sweet music softly singing I love you, May from your heart comes those word I love you, too. Tenderly hands pressing,...


O to be torn 'twixt love and duty! 面对着爱情和义务难以抉择 Supposin' I lose my fair-haired beauty? 或许会失去我的金发美人?Look at that big hand move along 眼看着一双魔掌渐渐逼近 Nearin' high noon. 在这临近正午的时候 He made a vow while in State's Prison,...


不能这么使用。前面涉及到一个固定搭配,many a后面接上一个名词的单数,表达的意思就是许多。也就是说,许多的茶杯可以说成短语,many a cup,所以中间不需要再加其他的冠词,不然就重复了。
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