



prototypus "original, primitive," from Greek prototypon "a first or primitive form," noun use of neuter singular of prototypos "original, primitive,"from protos "first" (see proto-) + typos "impression, mold, pattern" (see type (n.)). In English from 1590s as prototypon.

What is Textual Support?Hurry!

I'll flunk myself. It is indeed unusual to see typos in Master Priest's wer. Probably he is just like me surfing Inter while in class (or delivering sermons?) 2011-12-13 08:18:56 补充: I wish you were my professor - I will get straight A for sure.


mode.- Fixed a bug where the Emergency Return confirmation was not properly closing on Esc.- Fixed a bug where Phosphor slimes when on low graphics settings did not have wings.- Fixed a bug where Boom Rock Largos would eat fruit to transform into Tarr.- Fixed some typos in ...

God Dame,bad feeling...Why?What should I do?翻译一下啊

1. "damn" is a swear word, while "dame" means a lady. "Good Dame" is an abbreviation for "Holy Mother." Holy Mother, I have a bad feeling... Why? What should I do?2. The original text contains some typos and grammatical errors. The corrected sentence is: "Holy Mother...

喜欢NBC的Jay Leno的进。在线等!!谢谢!!

Krusty the Klown once refered to Leno's work in such manner: "You got some big-chinned schlub reading typos from the Palookaville Post! Here's a headline for you: Nobody cares!" Leno has stated in Parade Magazine that he has not eaten a vegetable since 1969. He commented about his ...


Kaspersky Lab Int. und Norton Anti Virus haben einen neuen Typos von Wurm entdeckt.Der Wurm nennt sich selbst ODIN und konnte sich bist jetzt,unbemerkt auf vielen Computern ausbreiten!Diese Mail wurde selbst mit dem Wurm verschickt, aber, als Anhang mit einem AntiVirus bestückt,...


2014年12月21日托福机经小范围的预测:阅读从一定程度上讲是好控制的的,听力与口语变数大,所以需要对这两部分上可以额外关注下。大家在准备考试前期,一些模考软件也是需要看的,从模考软件上找寻做题的方式。托福考试的民间托福答案题库,根据之前考生的回忆所得来。 一般纽约、伦敦、香港的留学生回忆...


although some recruiters may still specify a handwritten one to check out your handwriting. The same rules about checking for spelling, grammar or typos still apply and probably more so on your letter. Your writing style should be formal but try not to use words that are only real...


It is advisable to write the note in your word processor, where spell and grammar check will get rid of any typos. Then copy and paste it to your email. Whether you use regular mail, fax or email depends on which medium you feel is best for each interview situation. If you receive a...
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