1、松本润、饰演:金田一一 2、铃木杏、饰演:七濑美雪 3、内藤刚志、饰演:剑持勇 4、酒井若菜、饰演:速水玲香 5、长谷川纯、饰演:佐木龙太 6、山田优、饰演:千堂恭子 7、神崎诗织、饰演:圣子 8、府川亮、饰演:藁谷 9、松尾昭、饰演:绅士山神 10、村井克行、饰演:贵公子由良间 11、...
sscanf(line,"%s%s%s\n",st[i].sNo,st[i].sxueNo,st[i].sname);/*文件输入*/ printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n",st[i].sNo,st[i].sxueNo,st[i].sname);/*打印出来*/ i++;/*统计人数*/ } } /*设置随机数种子*/ srand((...
片假名 拼音 中文 排名 人数 すずき(suzuki),铃木,1,3639 さとう(satou),佐藤,2,3512 たなか(tanaka),田中,3,2975 たかはし(takahashi),高桥,4,2844 なかむら(nakamura),中村,5,2543 わたなべ(watanabe),渡辺,6,2442 いとう(itou),伊藤,7,2424 こばやし(kobayashi),小林,8,2382 や...
Mt Fuji is the northern foothills and lakes. From east to west of the mountain lakes, sights, the West Lake, it is necessary to lakes and the amphibious Lake. Yamanaka-ko largest area of 6.75 square kilometers. Lake has many sports facilities, tennis and water-skiing, fishing...
A lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. As she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. Already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: "An excellent choice, madam. You ...
Ever on and on I continue circling With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony Till slowly I forget and my heat starts vanishing And suddenly I see that I can't break free I'm slipping though the cracks of a drak eternity With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing ...
不是 润肺,止咳,化痰. 罗汉果花不但可以吃,其功效不亚于罗汉果,罗汉果花可也制作罗汉果花茶,其味甘甜,饮用方便,内含天然花蜜,有清热解毒、化痰止咳、清肝润肺、防暑降温、调压降脂、养颜美容的功效。对烟酒过度,咽喉肿痛,热伤风等引起的咳嗽、咽喉炎、气管炎有很好的疗效,是老少皆宜的天然绿色...