ultimate 最后的,最终的 The war ended for us in ~ victory unanimous 全体一致的,一致同意的 They are ~ in asking for a rise in pay uncover 揭开,揭露 ~ a dish of food underestimate 低估 ~ the difficulties of the task undergo 经历,遭受,忍受 ~ much suffering underline 在…...
154——ungracious——(a.)译: 不殷勤的,没有教养的,无礼貌的155——usurious——(adj.)译:放高利贷的156——uxorious——(adj.)译:宠爱妻子的157——vainglorious——(adj.)译:自负的;虚荣心强的158——various——(a.)译:各种各样的;不同的159——veracious——(adj.)译:诚实的;说真话的160——vexa...
6.It would be ungracious not to accept your invitation .盛情难却。7.We accepted a princely gift , sum .我们收到了丰厚的礼物、充裕的款项。8.They offered to accept de brito as king .他们提议接受布里托为王。
15. It would be most ungracious and impolite to refuse a simple invitation to supper with him.连与他共进晚餐这样的简单邀请都拒绝会显得非常失礼,没有教养。
concerned.7。He tends to recoil from making difficult decisions。I can't solve the problem.6.他在难以作出决定时往往踌躇不前.not good 其它相关解释:1.我们突然遇到各种各样的难题。All sorts of problems assailed us suddenly.5.我解答不了这个难题.4:<,it is not so difficult as you ...
You don't know that mom is at the door How ugly to cry outside, how ungracious! How my mother blames herself for not taking care of you, which makes my baby suffer. How I wish my mother could bear all the sufferings for you! As long as baby you are healthy, disease-free and ...
【英语】it would be ungracious not to accept your invitation.【德文】IhrefreundlicheEinladungkannichschlechtabschlagen.【日语】ご厚意(こうい)辞退(じたい)しがたい 【成语示列】朋友们再三要为我饯行,因盛情难却,我只好接受了。【成语造句】◎ 然而主人的盛情难却,我勉强端起杯子,喝了...
I tax not you, you elements, with unkindness.King Lear, 3. 2 13. I am a man More sinned against than sinning.King Lear, 3. 2 (李尔王最最有名的一句话)14. Take physic, pomp;Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel.King Lear, 3. 4 15. The prince of darkness is a ...专辑:JEWEL SONG-BESIDE YOU -Boku o yobikoe歌手:宝儿(BoA)语言:日语出版:Avex Trax时间:2002-12-1曲目:Jewel SongBeside You -仆を呼ぶ声-Jewel Song(Instrumental)Beside You -仆を呼ぶ声-(Instrumental)下载地址:
Amazing they ungreatful after all the game I gave away.Safe to say I paid the way, for you cats to get paid today.You'd still be wasting days away, now had I never saved the day.Consider them my protégé, homage I think they should pay.Instead of being gracious, they ...