



派生词:一般规则是词根的意义是主要的, 要重读, 词缀的意义是次要的, 不重读. 如前缀fore-, mis-, un-等:forecast, mistake, untie等。后缀如-ful, -er等: careful, leader. 但是, 英语词缀也有重读的, 一般是它的意义很明确, 重要. 如in-, out-, up-, down- uncle-, after-等: ...


die v.intr.(不及物动词)To cease living; become dead; expire.死:停止生存;死亡;断气 To cease existing, especially by degrees; fade:消失,消逝:不再存在,特别是指程度;消失:The sunlight died in the west.阳光消失在西面 To experience an agony or suffering suggestive of that of...

As for的用法?

as for 至于 关于,后面接名词代词或者动名词。1、As for the future,how can I do?至于今后,我该怎么办呢?2、As for salary,I leave it to you.关于薪水,请您定夺。3、Why as for has to untie the shoelace.至于为什么要将鞋带解开。4、As for dining is not too particular about.至于...


二、解除;排除 [give relief;untie]可以~忧。——《左传·成公十六年》是崇皞济而修祀~祸也。——《左传·僖公二十一年》众谓予一行为可以~祸。——宋·文天祥《指南录·后序》《后汉书·庞参传》:“鲁人喜其~难.”又如:纾难(解除国难);纾泄(解除发散);纾祸(解除祸患);纾忧(解除忧患)...


important 重大的33 retell 重述34 rebuild 重建35 readjust 调整36 rebirth 再生37 reenter 再进38 reflect 反射39 reform 改革 40 retire 退休41 reunion 团聚,重聚 42 undo 打消43 undress 脱衣44 untie 解开45 unfair 不公平的46 unhappy 不高兴的47 uniform 制服48 discount 折扣49 disfigure 损坏 50dishonest...


纾 shū 亦作「悆」。1. 舒缓;延缓。例:《后汉书•荀彧传》:「诚仁为己任,期纾民于仓卒也。」2. 解除;排除。例:《左传•庄公三十年》:「斗谷于菟为令尹,自毁其家,以纾楚国之难。」3. 宽裕。例:宋苏轼《与开元明师书》之二:「岁丰人纾,会当成耳。」4. ...


解放 jie fang 1.to liberate; to emancipate; to untie; to free; to release; to enfranchise 2.liberation; emancipation; release; enfranchisement 新中国,new China


e on) 哦,来吧 I can 我能够 I will 我可以 I know 我知道 I can untie these hands 我可以松开手 And get backup again 然后再次振作 (oh-ho) I can I will I know I can untie these hands And get backup again I can I can (Get back up again...


Yuanfeng six years on October 12 .evening, Untie clothes to sleep, moonlight from the window-in, I have the pleasure to walk together. With no thought to their own pleasure of the people, so to Chengtianshi to find Zhangfumin. Zhangfumin no sleep, we walk in the yard.Moon...


原文 “爱尔荣”牌绵羊绒被简介 “爱尔荣”羊绒被,原料来源于新疆、内蒙、青海、西藏高原地带的绵羊绒,经过现代高新科学技术处理精制而成。羊绒是现代纤维之王,是自然界动物纤维。二斤羊绒保温性高于八斤棉絮更高于其它生物纤维和化工纤维。本品具有纤维组织性强、弹性好、轻松柔软、拒毒、防蛀、无异味...
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