


急……求blueberry 的英文介绍

Outside the besides convention candy in blue berry fructification, acid and Vc, contain a lot ofthe mine such as fiber of glucoside of VE, VA, VB, SOD, ursine Guo Gan, protein, cyanine, edible and rich K, Fe, Zn, Ca qualitative element. According to the La Mei to 14 variety that...

the history of panda

While primarily herbivorus, the panda still retains decidedly ursine teeth, and will readily eat meat, fish, and eggs when available, but their sluggish speeds, a consequence of their mainly bamboo diet, ensure that these more energy-rich foods are seldom available to them outside ...


腽肭兽 wà nà shòu1.即海狗。哺乳动物。生活在海洋中,也能在陆地上爬行。参见"海狗"。〖词条〗腽肭脐 〖解释〗1.一名海狗肾。海狗的阴茎和睾丸。入中药,有补肾等作用。参阅明李时珍《本草纲目.兽二.腽肭兽》。

谁有勇敢传说的全部英文台词 PS:最好是中英 谢谢

We'll bile your head with dumplin' breed to make an ursine stew.Elinor, dear, you'll never guess who just solved our little suitor problem.Elinor!It can't be true! Elinor, answer me, lass!Elinor!Merida.- What? - Dad, no! It's not what you think.- Merida, get back! - No!No...


English ---◎ 腽 wà 常用词组 --- ◎ 腽肭 wànà (1) [fat]∶肥软 猿眠但腽肭,凫食时唼。——皮日休《二游诗》 (2) [fur ursine]∶海狗。亦称“海熊”


1:[fat]∶肥软貌。 唐 皮日休 《二游诗·任诗》:“猿眠但腽肭,凫食时啑唼。”2:[fur ursine]∶即腽肭兽。通称海狗。其毛皮可制茵褥等,肾可入药。参阅 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·兽二·腽肭兽》。



月 字旁加 昷 念什么

wà 常用词组 ◎ 腽肭 wànà (1) [fat]∶肥软 猿眠但腽肭,凫食时唼。——皮日休《二游诗》(2) [fur ursine]∶海狗。亦称“海熊”◎ fat 【未集下】【肉字部】 腽 【广韵】【集韵】𠀤乌没切,音𩓔。【广韵】腽肭,肥耎。【集韵】腽,脖病也。𩓔原字从殳。


(2) [fur ursine]∶海狗。亦称“海熊”--- ◎ fat 【未集下】【肉字部】 腽 --- 【广韵】【集韵】𠀤乌没切,音𩓔。【广韵】腽肭,肥耎。【集韵】腽,脖病也。𩓔原字从殳。另:淮安人说一个人傻,常常用“腽”这个词...
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