


《christian and oliver 》中两位男主角的名字

his screen time got reduced and he then vacated the role on December 7, 2012 with Christian taking a job abroad. Online rumors indicated that Schölermann would return to the soap opera in early 2013, when the season finale of The Voice of Germany aired. These rumors turne...


2)舌中部向硬颚抬起,不要接触到硬颚,舌尖和舌端两侧贴在下。3)双唇向两边平展形成扁平状,震动声带,短促有力推出气流发出/ʌ/音。uncle 英 [ˈʌŋkl] 美 [ˈʌŋkəl]n.叔叔;伯父;舅父;姑父,姨父。例句:1、He vacated the flat and ...


11、He vacated the flat and went to stay with an uncle 他搬出了公寓,住到了他的一个叔叔那里。12、I knew how unbalanced Paula had been since my uncle Peter died 我知道葆拉自从我叔叔彼得去世后情绪一直很不稳定。最后总结,通过以上关于叔叔的英语怎么读内容介绍后,相信大家会对叔叔的...


In 2009, an NCAA investigation revealed that Rose's SAT scores had been invalidated, making him retroactively ineligible to play for Memphis. As a result, theNCAA vacated Memphis' entire 2007–08 season. Rose has struggled with significant knee injuries since his 2010–11 MVP campaign. In the...

高二外研综合英语周报2015到2016学年第十四期book6module4music 速求...

“我”女儿让“我”和她父亲坐下,“而(while)”她们站在一旁。50. C。由下文中的waiting for another table tobe vacated soon可知,我们“环顾四周(lookedaround)”,等待着有另一张桌子空出来。51. D。旁边的桌上,两个年轻的女孩坐在一张四人桌上,“吃着(enjoying)”午餐。


uncle 英 ['ʌŋk(ə)l] 美 ['ʌŋkl]n. 叔叔;伯父;伯伯;舅父;姨丈;姑父 短语 Uncle Adolf 阿道夫叔叔 ; 阿道夫舅舅 Uncle Buck 巴克叔叔 ; 叔叔当家 ; 若愚叔叔 ; 巴克大叔 Uncle Tetsu 彻思叔叔 ; 营业员 ; 烘焙师 ; 烘焙员 Uncle Walter 瓦尔特大叔 ...


aunts 读音: 英[ɑ:ntz] 美[æntz]n.阿姨;伯母;姑母( aunt的名词复数 );姨母 例句:1、I have aunts and uncles.我有阿姨和叔叔。3、I like my aunts!我喜欢我的阿姨!4、She went to the Great Wall with my aunts.她和我阿姨们一起去长城了。5、I have a family, loving ...


the room of half a day 1. 这是补半天房金的帐单。This is the bill for the room rent of half a day.- 2. 根据我们的规定,凡过中午12:00还没有腾出房间要收取半天的房金。According to our regulations, a half day's rent is charged against a room not vacated by 12:00 ...


The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies ...


buttocks 英 [ˈbʌtəks] 美 [ˈbʌtəks]n. 臀部;纵剖线(buttock 的复数)v. 用过背摔摔出对手(buttock 的第三人称单数)短语 Point of the buttocks 坐骨端 buttocks in 收臀 keep buttocks tucked in 收臀 近义词 n. 臀部;纵剖线(buttock的复数...
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