
water fountain


water fountain是什么意思

waterfountain 英[ˈwɔ:təˈfauntin] 美[ˈwɔtɚˈfaʊntən] n.喷泉饮水器. 喷泉 Chenhassetupthesystembyattachingacameratothewaterfountain. 为建造该...


饮水器 watering troughdrinking trough 饮水器 water fountain


饮水机英文为water dispenser、water cooler以及water fountain。1、water dispenser 如果是特别强调有用滤芯过滤水的饮水机,可以说:filtered water dispenser。如果要强调饮水机具备制冷、制热的功能,可以说:hot/cool water di...


两个答案 water dispenser 或 drinking Fountain


饮水机:饮用喷泉,尤其用于威斯康星州。2.产品说明书上用 water dispenser dispenser 是 分配者 的意思 3. 更普遍的用法是 water fountain 或 fountain machine 或 drinking fountain fountain 是喷泉的意思 需要注意...



帮忙翻译下我下面这个Big rock candy mountain的歌词

Near the crystal water fountain 在水晶河的源头 At the lemonade springs 在柠檬汽水泉边 Where the bluebird sings 那些青鸟的歌唱 On the big rock candy mountain 在大大的冰糖山上 Oh, a farmer and his son, they...


Water fountain is beautiful, because have the pressure. 20.如果没人认可你,那就自己认可自己。 If no one recognized you, recognize themselves. 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐...


and it would be clean. I also used the shower water washout, a bowl to wash better. Then, I picked up another bowl, who knows, I accidentally, bowl slide down, fell into the water fountain inside. Am...


让我们看一下一些他们所使用的词语: bubbler – water fountain carriage – shopping cart/trolley clicker – TV remote control rotary – traffic circle/roundabout superette – grocery store spa – convenience...
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