


full of和fill with有什么区别吗?

一、词义不同 full of 翻译:装满、盛满。例句:The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。fill with 翻译:被装满、被盛满。例句:The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子被装满了水。二、语境不同 full of 用于主动句。例句:Whenever I feel upset I would go swimming and then I ...

full of和fill with的区别是什么?

一、词义不同 full of 翻译:装满、盛满。例句:The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。fill with 翻译:被装满、被盛满。例句:The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子被装满了水。二、语境不同 full of 用于主动句。例句:Whenever I feel upset I would go swimming and then I ...

full of和fill with有什么区别啊?

一、词义不同 full of 翻译:装满、盛满。例句:The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。fill with 翻译:被装满、被盛满。例句:The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子被装满了水。二、语境不同 full of 用于主动句。例句:Whenever I feel upset I would go swimming and then I ...

full of与full的区别是什么?

“Full of” 是一个常用的词组,可以用作形容词短语,用来描述主语。“Full with” 较少使用,不像 “full of” 具有相同的语法结构。单词用法区别:“Full of” 可以修饰名词或者形容词。“Full with” 较少使用,不常见于正式或者口语表达中。举例句子:The glass is full of water.(玻璃杯里...

full of的用法是什么?

一、词义不同 full of 翻译:装满、盛满。例句:The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。fill with 翻译:被装满、被盛满。例句:The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子被装满了水。二、语境不同 full of 用于主动句。例句:Whenever I feel upset I would go swimming and then I ...

fill with和full of有什么区别?

②The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。2、存在的时间不同 fill with强调的是填满的过程,存在的时间相对较短;而 full of表示的是已经填满的状态,存在的时间可以是较长的一段时间。例句:①She filled her bag with clothes. 她把包裹满了衣服。②Her bag is full of clothes. 她的...

full of的用法有什么不同?

一、词义不同 full of 翻译:装满、盛满。例句:The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。fill with 翻译:被装满、被盛满。例句:The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子被装满了水。二、语境不同 full of 用于主动句。例句:Whenever I feel upset I would go swimming and then I ...

Full of 和full with的区别是什么

三、用法不同 1.full of 用法:full of常用于被动句,表示状态,常和be动词连用。例句:All Party members and the people as a whole are full of vigour.译文:党员和人民的精神状态很好。2.full with 用法:full with用于主动句,表示动作。例句:The bottle is filled with water.译文:瓶子里...

full of与be filled with有什么区别?

一、词义不同 full of 翻译:装满、盛满。例句:The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。fill with 翻译:被装满、被盛满。例句:The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子被装满了水。二、语境不同 full of 用于主动句。例句:Whenever I feel upset I would go swimming and then I ...

full with和fill with有什么区别?

一、词义不同 full of 翻译:装满、盛满。例句:The bottle is full of water. 瓶子装满了水。fill with 翻译:被装满、被盛满。例句:The bottle is filled with water. 瓶子被装满了水。二、语境不同 full of 用于主动句。例句:Whenever I feel upset I would go swimming and then I ...
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