


求教英语大神 关于服装意见的英语 求给翻译一下吧...

Slightly wavy at tops sweep. Need improvement.面襟下摆呈轻微波浪型:需要修改* Avoid bubbling due to tight stitch tension on tops sweep hem.避免因为针迹过紧使面襟下摆断线 Need a bit more over lock stitch tension.锁缝的针迹应紧密一些 FIT/BALANCE/SPEC:(试身/平衡度/规格)Bring all...

求,牛津英语9A单词表,我是沈阳的,一个版本的发上来,着急写作业_百度知 ...

九年级牛津英语(上)单词表 序号 单词 词性 汉语 页码 单元5 1 daydream vi. 做白日梦 p.80 5 2 realistic adj. 现实的,实事求是的 p.80 5 3 take n. (连续拍摄的)场景,镜头 p.81 5 4 actress n. 女演员 p.81 5 5 all-time adj. 一向的,空前的 p.82 5 6 mourn vt. ...


血统 El Moxie Conquistador Cielo Mr.Prospector Raise a Native Gold Digger K.D.Princess Bold Commander Tammy's Turn Raise the Standard Hoist the Flag Tom Rolfe Wavy Navy Natalma Native Dancer Almahmoud Jade Tiara Bureaucracy Lord Ballina Bletchngly Sunset Girl Tulla Doll Oncidium Doll...


13.waistband stitching is wavy/ugly,uneven,untidy and not on a straight line。腰线处针迹不平,不是一条直线 14.pls avoid stretching out waistband top edge which causes the ruffle effect 腰头处车线,针迹一定要压在橡筋上。车在橡筋外的话,大身就起皱了 15. pkt position for the...


4.协议期限 此协议期限为12个月,从自货物到达到货买方工厂并调试合格之日起十二个月或___工时后(产品使用期之较短者为产品的保修期)算起。 5.更新或终止 5.1协议期满后,双方将回顾协议的条款条件及执行情况,以决定是否更新或终止。 5.2在协议执行期间,如双方不能达成一致以解决冲突或争执,任何一方都可提前三十...


Loose,wavy brown hair hung down to her waist at the back--she had a fringe over her forehead that almost hid her pale eyes.The nose--not her best feature--was long but not ugly.She had a regular set of white teeth and was full-lipped.Her round face often looked rather ...


[4]HistoryThe Golden Retriever was originally developed in Scotland at "Guisachan" near Glen Affric, the highland estate of Sir Dudley Marjoribanks (pronounced "Marʒbanks"), later Baron Tweedmouth. For many years, there was controversy over which breeds were originally crossed. In 1952, the...


!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-r'''learning.pyA Python 3 tutorial from http://www.liaoxuefeng.comUsage:python3 learning.py'''import sysdef check_version(): v = sys.version_info if v.major == 3 and v.minor >= 4: return True print('Your ...




emblem engraved on the back and Chinese full name of the Universiade , which has a folding surface wavy multicolored mosaic inlaid with mother; ribbon from the core game will be the name of the graphics and so on.第四个是 口号 Slogan "from here"(Start Here), this simple ...
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