
we are ok


...am alright when you are ok ,we facing the world...time so...

求一首英文歌,歌词有i am alright when you are ok ,we facing the world...time so good all is fine http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/784840最后的背景音乐... http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/784840 最后的背景音乐 展开  我来答 1个

近期火爆的雷军的are you ok?这首歌的原曲是哪一首

We can chacha on the floor,我们可以在地上舞动 we can chacha on the couch 我们可以在睡椅上舞动 Baby, we can chacha, all around my house 我们可以舞动 在我房子周围 We can chacha in the night, chacha till two 我们可以在晚上舞动 And if you chacha me, I have to chacha you 如...

A:we are late.let us___ ___ the park ___taxi. B:___ ___? A:yes...

A:we are late.let us__go___ ___to___ the park by___taxi.A:我们迟到了。让我们打的去公园吧。B:_By___ ___taxi___?B:打的?A:yes.A:是的。B:OK._Let's__ go___.B:好的。我们走吧。

he hello thank you thank you very much 有这句歌词的英文歌

是来自小米董事长雷军的《Are you OK》。2015年4月小米在印度举行新品发布会,推出针对印度市场的新机小米4i以及改良后的小米手环Mi Band。在本次发布会上,小米董事长雷军和小米国际副总裁雨果·巴拉(Hugo Barra)先后登场亮相,其中雷军也别开生面地秀了一把英文。雷军登台后先是以中国人最为熟悉的...

有关 现在的你是什么样子?未来的你会是什么样子?的英语作文 依据外貌...

As time goes by,there are going to be big changes in our everyday life.For example,when we are hungry,we don't need to cook in a hurry.Just take some pills,and everything will be OK.When we are free,we can go anywhere by spacecraft.It will be very cheap,just like ...


Live for love united Love united we will stand up For all the people of the world Have you ever dreamed of playing for The biggest team there is on earth Have you ever played at dreaming large The time is now and you are the star The ball is travelling in your direction ...


别担心 我会一直给他找麻烦的 That's my girl.这才对嘛 Since this is likely to be the lastconversation 这大概是我今生最后一次 I'll have with John Watson,和约翰·华生说话 would you mind if we took a moment?我们多说一会不要紧吧?So here we are.我们终于这样了 William Sherlock ...


2This is a book which every kind of people would be interest in.3If I am of help,tell me.4Arthur is at hi 30s,but still not at the begining of his own work.5We are on the course of moving the machine to that place,OK?6I think May is Te Summer Palaces' best.7He...


我们将去拜访你们的爷爷奶奶。What are we going to do at the park?我们打算去公园干什么?We'll take a walk with your grandpa and grandma.Then,we can ride bicycles and look at the flowers 我们和你们的爷爷奶奶去散步。然后,我们可以骑自行车和赏花 Shall we go shopping?我们去购物?O...
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