



不知LZ在哪里找的这篇文章,显然不会是中国人自己写的。里面的煽动性昭然若揭。真是司马昭之心。文章我译了,你把分给我就行,但不建议你用,因为中国人是显然不会写出这样的文章的。译文如下:六.中国-东盟自由贸易区,世界贸易组织,美国及日本 1.中国-东盟自由贸易区和世界贸易组织 理论上说,...


This tremendous expansion could not have been possible without ready compliance with income tax laws and effective administration.In many countries where compliance is poor and administration is weak, there is great reluctance to rely heavily on the income tax. In this country, the record of ...


but when one day in a corner in the street when you meet that familiar silhouette,past memory came to your mind. You are so weak and to be beat down.,now you finally find that the time hasn’t extinguished the memory of the defeated heart, tears fall down without any ...


Short and short 16 days, the world comes in sight of the ages elegant appearance and civilization images of the Chinese.1,700,000 volunteers of Olympics win the good reputation of world with the smile of the service and sincerity of the superior quality, all Chinese enthusiasm, ...


which leads to fuzzy grasp of knowledge.I spent so much time in the reading section that when I was confronted with the vocabulay and cloze tests and composition I was nervous. Paying little attention to the time pattern, I made mistakes carelessly though I had practised some of...


跟腱受伤而感到自豪,他的祖父parentage.his注意到他的正义和正气,并成为一名法官在阎王 死后. 他的父亲珀琉斯是一个勇敢的武士,后来娶美丽的海上女神, thetis . 在婚礼 珀琉斯与海洋女神,其中大部分的神明都应邀 女神挑拨,廉政,气恼时,没有邀请, 扔了,其中一个客人金苹果赫然写着"公平" ,并挑起了...




Life is good, but it's hard to get excited Property is guilty of three crimes This kind of person, even if they do, should be careful that they will lose their wealth in the event of a disaster, especially those who are weak and prosperous. The eight characters of "...


出师表---英文版 The First Ruler had accomplished but half his great task at his death. At this moment the empire is in three parts, and our country is weak; it is a most critical moment for us. Still, ministers are not remiss in the capital, and loyal and devoted soldiers...

...T.I 的《my type》最好是弄成与原句对应的翻译附在原文的下面,一句...

让去。。。 yall gon 希望为像我一样的 nigga当在这里的 i aint 你知道什么 im sayin(u 想 im lyin)(发言权再见对 badguy)[合唱](你不感激 nigga 我的类型,一经我一钢模没有较多的 niggas 我的类型,因此仅仅记得我权利)打赌你不感激 nigga 我的类型,但是当我一钢模没有较多的 niggas 我的类型,...
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