
what is the number of 2 mole O2?How many mole of


standard enthalpy of formation

更新1: But it had 2 mole in the pound from the equation... since this is the enathalpy change of formation is it necessary to /2 in the calculation?i'll wer in more details. 2H2S(g) +3O2 (g) ---> 2H2O (l) + 2SO2 (g) ︿︿ || || (1/4)S8(s) ...


Mother's face Mother has a young baby face. Mother's eyes are big. Mother's hair is long. Mother's face is round. Mother's mouth is small, and the corners of her mouth rise slightly. Mother's nose is high. Mother's eyebrows are curved. Mother has a mole on her face...


diabetes. 5. What is normal blood glucose blood glucose is the presence of glucose, glucose said blood glucose concentration. In normal glucose fluctuations within a certain range, glucose oxidase rules intravenous plasma glucose level, fasting plasma glucose 3.4-6.2 mm in mole / ...


【例句用法】1.He lives in a house amongst the trees.他住在一栋树木环绕的房子里。2.They quarreled amongst themselves.他们互相争吵。3.London is amongst the greatest cities of the world.伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。4.His instrumental works are popular amongst the students.他的器乐曲在...

英语小故事 一定要短

2、 A MOLE, a creature blind from birth, once said to his Mother: "I am sure than I can see, Mother!" In the desire to prove to him his mistake, his Mother placed before him a few grains of frankincense, and asked, "What is it?' The young Mole said, "It is a ...


TheBoy Thestorysprotagonistisayoungboywhoweneverlearnthenameof.Heiscurious,kind,andthoughtful,alwaysaskingquestionsandseekingknowledge.Heisalsotroubledandlonely,strugglingtounderstandtheworldaroundhimandthepeopleinit.Despitethis,hecontinuesonhisjourney,eagertodiscoverwhatliesahead.TheMole Themoleisthefirst...


The author of the book: Thomas Malory Summary:Only the next king can pull the sword out of the stone. Many people try, but they cannot move sword. Then young Arthur tries, and it comes out easily. Now he is king. And he is a perfect king. His people love him very much...


78、The dust (尘埃) 79、Brithday°(失去) 80、Waste(荒芜) 81、丿Brother灬Team 82、电堷ladyぢ 83、Alone°(独自) 84、未亡人 lеsliе﹌ 85、红豆 Lluo- 86、SW。Lee 87、Reset(重来) 88、Salvation(拯救) 89、╰mmmm红装﹡ 90、稀罕what 91、Unicorn(独角兽) 92、Koreyoshi °唯美 93、reserved(...

写一种动物,要写动物名称,年龄,国籍,喜好,性格,特征等 用英语_百度知 ...

1.What key can run itself?——Monkey.2.What is the most difficult key to turn?——Donkey.3.My name start with a C and end with an L. I live in the desert, a hard place to live. I can carry people and their goods (货物).What am I?——Camel.adder, viper 蝰蛇 alb...

molar mass

O2 reacted = 0.04 mol No. of moles of MgO formed =- (0.04 mol) x 2 = 0.08 mol Mass of MgO formed = (0.08 mol) x (40.3 g/mol) = 3.224 g = = = = = 3. A mixture containing 2.8 g of iron and 2 g sulphur is heated together. What is the mass of ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
