
what would you like


what would you like和what's your dinner是什么它俩的区别?

区别很简单,第一个是知道食物,咨询对方要什么,第二个是不知道食物,想了解对方吃了什么。比如,what would you like,cola,coffee or water?最容易理解和区别的就是你要吃什么和你吃了什么。

怎么回答“What would you like…”

I'd like sth.【该句是你想要什么?回答我想要…】

would like和would you like和what would you like的区别,

至于would you like to和would you like的区别,则是前者to后面跟动词,即would like+动词不定式。would you like就是would like+名词。what would you like 是特殊疑问句,意思是你想要什么。亲,记得采纳哦 ...

What could you like ? What would you like? 区别


what would you like?的回答问题

严格地讲,三个答案都有问题。A语气明显粗鲁,后面应该加上please才对;B明显缺少了would,应该是I would like some pears. C不对相信你是清楚的。

英语作文:What would you like?

如下:We had a seven-day holiday for May Day. So my family and I went to climb Country Mountain.五一节我们有七天的假期。所以我和家人去爬山了。We went there by my father's car. It took about an hour...

What would you like写一组对话

A: Can I help you? What would you like? B: I don’t know. A: Would you like something to eat? What about some cakes? B: No, thanks. I think I’d like some bread. A: Would you like something...


what would you like to eat英[wɒt wʊd ju laɪk tu iːt] 美[wɑːt wʊd jə laɪk tu iːt] 你想吃什么;would like to do”意思是:想要做某事...

W hatwouldyoulike英语作文?

What would you like? I would like to travel around the world to visit famous places, meet people in different countries, try their cuisines and learn about their languages and culture. I would also like to...

would you 和what would you

一个是一般疑问句, 你愿意……第二个是特殊疑问句 What would you like to do ? 你想做什么?What/How about (doing)? ……怎么样?、好吗?这几个都是表示征求意见或表示建议吧。
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