
who saw you?可以写成who did you see?吗 他们有什么不同?



No matter whether he had been invited or not, he was there to celebrate Wu You's birthday. 无论他是否被邀请参加,他去了就是为了庆贺吴莜的生日。 对于whether... or not前是否能用no matter,部分学生感到疑惑。他们说,见过no matter who, no matter what, no matter how, no matter where, no ...


注:当介词放在动词后时,which,whom就可以省略。Who is the man (whom) you talked with just now?(2)在非限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词也不能省略。Mr Green,whom you know,is the tallest in our school.The elephant is like a spear,as anybody can see.(3)在the same ......


这首歌的名字是《Blank Space》,歌词如下:英文 Nice to meet you,where you been?I could show you incredible things Magic,madness,heaven,sin Saw you there and I thought Oh my God,look at that face You look like my next mistake Love's a game,wanna play?New money,suit ...


爸爸想带我出去玩,现在我都出不去了。我就闷在家里看电视、写作业。下午就写毛笔字、看电视。真难过呀!我真希望哪一天可以下一场雨呀!日记写作注意事项 日记的内容要真实。诚实,是一种美德,自己怎样想,就怎样写,不要说假话。正文的篇幅可长可短,长的可以写成千字,短的可以只写一两句话。


“为什么不能?既然有机会白捡一笔钱,我要是不捡,那可是天下最大的傻瓜。” “可这又怎么去证明呢?”她接着说。“总不能光听我的,或光听开拉达先生的。” “让我细看看这项链,要是假的,我马上就会告诉你们,输一百块钱我倒是不在乎的,”开拉达先生说。 “取下来吧,亲爱的。让这位先生好好瞅个够。”...


Who do you think you fooling now, now?你认为你现在是在愚弄谁?喂?!If for You, If for You, could see that I'm burning,如果只有你,只有你,能看见我在烈火中烧灼的身体 If for You, would know how I'm hurting 如果只有你,会懂得我的伤痛 All for you 全为你 If for ...


that;which;who。用在same 或 such 后: I received the same grade as you did.我和你得分一样Chiefly Upper Southern U.S. Who, whom, which, or that:【多用于美国中南部】 who,whom,which或that:Those as want to can come with me.想去的可以和我同去prep.(介词)In the role, capacity, or ...


尤其应注意的是有些连词可引导不止一种从句,具有多重功能,这往往是学习的难点,也是易混点。 难点回顾: 1.as可引导多种从句,如时间状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句、方式状语从句、比较状语从句以及定语从句。 〔误〕 Which you can see, he is always ready to help others. 〔正〕 As you can see,...

which was built using的using 做什么成分?

The only thing that we can do is to give you some money.【我们唯一能够做的就是给你一些钱。】<7>当主句中已有疑问词who或which时,要用关系代词that。Which is the bik e that you lost?【你丢失的自行车是哪辆?】只能用which的情况:<8>在介词后面的关系代词用which而不能用that。即...


11英文可翻译为:“eleven”。例句:1、In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months.意大利每届政府的平均寿命是十一个月。2、We went on to Paris and stayed there eleven days.我们接着去了巴黎,在那里停留了十一天。3、Only eleven of these accidents were classified as ...
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