



go-going burn-burning do-doing sleep-sleeping read-reading close-closing wipe-wiping clean-cleaning scratch-scratching erase-erasing abrace-abtacing spit-spitting walk-walking...look-looking watch-watching speak-speaking talk-talking teach-teaching study-studying learn-learning ...

altair hyperworks



2. Towel (一条毛巾): A towel is a piece of clothing or a piece of fabric that is used for drying the body after a bath or for wiping hands and face.3. Loaf of bread (两条面包): A loaf of bread is a large, round or square shaped bread that is usually sliced for ...


1. 请你带一张你的家庭照片来学校,用现在进行时介绍,英语作文60字 This is a photo of my family.The man is my father.The woman is my mother.This boy is me.My father is 40 years old.He is a doctor.My mother is 36 years old.She is a nurse.I'm 12 years old.I'm a...

simple ways to get happy.1laugh out loud. 2do on

the repetitive nature of certain cleaning tasks -- such as sweeping, wiping, and scrubbing -- can be meditative in and of itself if you focus on what you're doing.6.要学会说不。排除掉那些不必要的和你不喜欢的活动。如果已经有足够多的人来处理教会义卖,或当您觉得自己对于继任下一...



for 加一段时间用于什么时态

for + 一段时间 1、美国人力资源管理协会(Society for Human Resource Management)11月份警告其成员,清除手机数据之举今后一段时间可能会在法庭上接受考验。 The Society for Human Resource Management in November warned its members that phone wiping 'will likely be tested through the courts in the days and...


1.There're many students in the classroom. One of them is cleaning blackboard.2.Listen,that cat is drinking milk in the kitchen.3.Don't look at me, go and shut the tap.


抹 mǒ 部首笔画 部首:扌 部外笔画:5 总笔画:8 五笔86:RGSY 五笔98:RGSY 仓颉:QDJ 笔顺编号:12111234 四角号码:55090 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+62B9 基本字义 1. 涂:涂~。~粉(喻美化或掩饰)。~黑(喻丑化)。~子(瓦工用来抹灰泥的器具。亦称“抹刀”)。2. 揩,擦:...


things that didn't concern him.他总是探问与他无关的事。三、词源解说:直接源自古英语的nosu;最初源自原始日耳曼语的nusus,意为鼻子。四、经典引文:One of the academics..was wiping his nose with a tissue to conceal laughter.一个学者……用纸巾擦鼻子以掩饰笑声。出自:I. McEwan ...


The following quotation is based on your box size and fabric, and wiping cloth price:In order to better cooperation with you, we are willing to give you a discount, we will provide you free of charge to open mold, we bear the mold fee.About fabric, we find the fabric and ...
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