7、巫师:Warlock 8、女巫:Witch 9、鬼:Ghost 10、吸血鬼:Vampire 11、狼人:Werewolf 12、怪物:Monster 13、万圣节服装:Halloween costume 14、骷髅:Skeleton 15、僵尸:Zombie 16、干尸:Mummy 17、蝙蝠:Bat 18、面具:Mask 19、死神:Grim Reaper 20、蜘蛛网:Spider web 万圣节不得不知的...
5. The Witch 6. The Size of It 7. A Letter Home 8. Revenge 9, The Last Laugh 10. The Right Price 11. Welcome Stranger 12. The Sound of Speed 13. The Cow 14, Aunt Ethel 15. Famous Last Words Answer Key 答案 妙语短篇 C2 Introduction 前言 1. The Longest Menu in the...
The sing off between Sharpay and Tiara It is about 7 minutes long witch makes it the longest movie In HSM History! Sharpay同Tiara的这首歌长达7分钟,是高校音乐剧历史上最长的一首。 10. A Night To Remember- HSM Cast 《难忘今宵》 This song was planed to be the last song in the Play! I...
1. 最烂电影:《ADVENTURES OF FORD FAIRLANE》与《GHOSTS CAN'T DO IT》2. 最烂男主角:安得鲁迪西克莱《ADVENTURES OF FORD FAIRLANE》3. 最烂女主角:波黛瑞克《GHOSTS CAN'T DO IT》4. 最烂男配角:唐纳川普《GHOSTS CAN'T DO IT》中饰演自己5. 最烂女配角:苏菲柯波拉《教父第三集》6. 最烂导演:约翰...
The World's Greatest Wonders4. Friendly Advice5. The Witch6. The Size of It7. A Letter Home8. Revenge9, The Last Laugh10. The Right Price11. Welcome Stranger12. The Sound of Speed13. The Cow14, Aunt Ethel15. Famous Last WordsAnswer Key 答案 Introduction 前言1. The Longes...
The sing off between Sharpay and Tiara It is about 7 minutes long witch makes it the longest movie In HSM History!Sharpay同Tiara的这首歌长达7分钟,是高校音乐剧历史上最长的一首。10. A Night To Remember- HSM Cast 《难忘今宵》This song was planed to be the last song in the ...
6. 最烂导演:约翰德瑞克《GHOSTS CAN'T DO IT》 7. 最烂剧本:《ADVENTURES OF FORD FAIRLANE》 8. 最烂主题曲:《REPOSSESSED》 9. 最烂新人:苏菲柯波拉《教父第三集》 第12届金酸梅奖 1. 最烂电影:《终极神鹰》 2. 最烂男主角:凯文柯斯纳《罗宾汉侠盗王子》 3. 最烂女主角:西恩扬《死前之吻》 ...