



您好!不可以把in that emergency放在句末哦,因为原句是一个强调句型,它属于被强调的部分。强调句句型 1. 陈述句的强调句型:It is/ was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who(当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其他部分。e.g. It was yesterday that he met Li Ping.2. 一般疑问...


example on the board in exactly the same way.) The slow witted man says, "This is the box, this is the hole, this is the cheese and this is the wire. The mouse sticks his head in the hole to get the cheese, the wire wraps around his neck and kills him." The patent officer, ...


机智的英语单词1.tact2.resourcefulness3.wittiness4.witty5.wisdom6.esprit7.savoir-faire8.savey9.gumption10.sharp-witted;clever;ingenious;quick-witted;resourceful;skilful;tactful 用机智造句 1.《 *** 》一经问世就卖出5万多本,它那酣畅的享乐主义和机智自信的基调完全征服了男性读者。2.打篮球...


灵活的英文:agile;nimble;maneuverable;elastic agile 读法 英 ['ædʒaɪl] 美 [ˈædʒəl]adj. 敏捷的;机敏的;活泼的 短语:1、agile manufacturing 敏捷制造 2、agile development 敏捷开发;敏捷式软体开发 例句:1、She was quick-witted and had...


第一段:perseverance 应该换成形容词persevering, 你前面的两个词不也是形容词吗?hardship 艰难困苦的意思。如果表达吃苦耐劳就用:capable of hard work/ hardworking pay attention to 是个祈使句,用词也不准确,应改成having the spirit of teamwork (意:无冠词)be good at 的be去掉,这和你...

哪为高手帮忙翻译下!! 急须啊!!

傲慢与偏见的英文人物介绍很多很多的 可以去sprark notes抄一篇 比翻译的好呢。。。比如 Elizabeth Bennet: The protagonist of the novel and the second oldest of five sisters, Elizabeth is lively, quick-witted, sharp-tongued, bold and intelligent. Elizabeth is good-looking, and is ...


(1) [dull-witted]∶发呆;呆滞(2) [stupid]∶呆傻;愚蠢◎ 痴呆懵懂 chīdāi-měngdǒng[stupid] 愚笨糊涂,资质低下倒不如痴呆懵懂,某守着陋巷的这简箪瓢。——元·无名氏文◎ 痴钝 chīdùn[crass;silly] 迟钝◎ 痴肥 chīféi[obese;abnormally fat] 肥胖而无所用心痴肥臃肿◎ 痴狂 chīkuáng[non...


CHURROS Kyrgyzstan fruit origin In Spain, the shepherd of seasonal migration, carry the necessities of life, in order to avoid redundancy, grain and some dried fruit powder mixed into CHURROS ( auspicious things fruit ) became their most portable carry-on food. At about the beginning...


4. A few are dim-witted drones, but most are talented, frustrated, wasted people. 有几个是愚笨的寄生虫,但是大多数是有才能却不得志而自暴自弃的人。 5. He sweeps up and does a few odds and ends. 他扫完地,又干了几样杂活儿。 6. Police corruption is not just a few rotten apples. 警...


sharp-witted people 思维敏锐的人 slow-witted people 思维迟钝的人 the British peoples 英国各民族 upper-class people 社会上流人士 well-educated people 受过良好教育的人 young people 年轻人 名词+~boat people 船民(乘船偷渡去外国的难民)city people 城市居民 country people 乡下...
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