


timber wolf是什么意思

timber wolf 英 ['tɪmbə wʊlf] 美 ['tɪmbɚ wʊlf]n. [动]大灰狼(产于北美)例句:1、Hotels were full of rich people wolfing expensive meals.酒店满是狼吞虎咽昂贵饭菜的有钱人。2、He wolfed down the rest of the biscuit and cheese.他狼吞...

timber wolf怎么读和发音?

timber wolf 英 ['tɪmbə wʊlf] 美 ['tɪmbɚ wʊlf]n. [动]大灰狼(产于北美)例句:1、Hotels were full of rich people wolfing expensive meals.酒店满是狼吞虎咽昂贵饭菜的有钱人。2、He wolfed down the rest of the biscuit and cheese.他狼吞...

timber wolf是什么意思?

timber wolf 英 ['tɪmbə wʊlf] 美 ['tɪmbɚ wʊlf]n. [动]大灰狼(产于北美)例句:1、Hotels were full of rich people wolfing expensive meals.酒店满是狼吞虎咽昂贵饭菜的有钱人。2、He wolfed down the rest of the biscuit and cheese.他狼吞...


we wolfed down our food as if our delicious food would be snatched by others. Tear open the wrapping paper of any food at will. Some people are gentle, others are rude. Some people savor it bit by bit, while others pour it into their mouths. Ugly eating appearance always ma...


I took out the zongzi one by one and wolfed them down, Soon a plate of zongzi was destroyed by me. The Dragon Boat Festival is a precious Festival, and we should cherish it. We hope our country can always be prosperous and strong, and have a happy life every day. 已赞过 已踩过...


I wolfed up the second one, and my stomach seemed never full.Looking at the people around us, each one ate so delicious.南翔小笼还有一段悠久的历史呢!听爷爷说,南翔小笼馒头最初叫做南翔大肉馒头,可以追溯到清代同治十年,南翔镇日华轩点心店主黄明贤是南翔大肉馒头的最初创始人。因味道鲜...


eg. I wolfed down that sandwich so quickly.stars in one's eye - someone who has stars in their eyes is very excited and hopeful about the future and imagines they are going to be very successful and famous.eg. She was a girl with stars in her eyes and dreams of becoming ...


As soon as the food came up, I wolfed it down. After a while, I was full. As a result, I became a photographer of the whole family, leaving a wonderful moment for the Mid Autumn Festival reunion. When I got home, I began to prepare for the moon. I moved the tables and chairs ...
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