Your Honor是美国法庭对法官的尊称啊,英国法庭上的称呼是My Lord。法官在法庭上是最高权威,自然当事人也好,律师也好都要对其十分尊重,这里就是一种尊称例如称陛下:Your Majesty是尊重法官的说法。译成:尊敬的法官大人。这是对法官的尊称可以解释为法官大人大人的意思,表示尊敬。你的荣幸!
honor和honour是不一样的,主要区别在于中文意思、固定词组搭配以及用法上。honor意为荣誉、尊敬、名誉、接受、给与…的光荣等,固定搭配有Our Honor;而honour意为尊重、荣幸、道义、给予表扬等,搭配有Soul honour、honour guard等。一、honor的中文含义及用法介绍 1、作为名词时,意为荣誉;荣幸;尊...
因为对女王或者国王说话时,要说Your Majesty,这个是固定的。对于一国之君及此地位以上人物的尊称,如:皇后、皇帝。Majesty是“王权”的意思,your majesty实际上是you, who possess majesty,也就是“拥有王权的您”,所有当着君王的面要说your,不能说my。Her Majesty或者是His Majesty其实就是She/H...
《Beat Of The Black Heart》作词:Aloan 作曲:Aloan 编曲:Aloan 歌词:Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Seven, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Zero 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 I give you until ten to live or die, you give me until ten so it's up to me 我...
YourhonorImafreakbitchhandcuffsleashes Switchmywigmakehimfeellikehecheatin Puthimonhiskneesgivehimsomethintobelievein NeverlostafightbutImlookingforabeating InthefoodchainImtheonethateatya Ifheatemyasshesabottom-feeder BigDstandforbigdemeanor IcouldmakeyabustbeforeIevermeetya Ifitdonthangthenhec...
"Your Honor, I want to bring to your attention how unfair it is for my client to be accused of theft. He arrived in New York City a week ago and barely knew his way around. What's more, he only speaks a few words of English."The judge looked at the defendant and ...
小题1:She helps you with your h after school.句意:放学后,她帮你做作业。help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事,故填homework。小题2:If you get sick, she always s with you all day.句意:如果你病了,她总是整天和你呆在一起。stay/spend with sb.与某人呆在一起,因为主...
中考英语作文万能句型 1 I will work hard to make my dream come hope your dream will come true one takes sb. +时间+to spend(某种人称时态)+时间/钱+on (in) doing to nice/kind of sb. to time for sb. to do a waste of time since sb. +ved Its great fun to do=sb. have great fun...
1、教师是人类灵魂的工程师。斯大林The teacher is human soul engineer。2、我爱我的老师,但我更爱真理。亚里士多德I love my teacher, but I love truth more。3、对于一切来说,只有热爱才是最好的老师。爱因斯坦For everything, only love is the best teacher。4、书本也是好老师,活用才能...