



房主您好:歌名:Zombies on your Lawn 草地上的僵尸们 歌手:Laura Shigihara 信息:PVZ Soundtrack & Bloom and Doom Records Sunflowers 向日葵们~[白天]There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上 There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上 There is a zombie on your ...


1.future - Futuristic sunglasses for zombies 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜 2.mustache - Zombies with womb brooms 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 3.trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower appearance 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 4.daisies - Zombies leave small daisies behind when killed 当僵尸被杀后掉下一...



zombies on your lawn 植物大战僵尸翻译

(Chorus, in Day and Pool stages 副歌:在白天游泳池那一关)Sunflower 向日葵:There's a zombie on your law-awn有只僵尸在你的草坪上There's a zombie on your lawnnn...有只僵尸在你的草坪上There's a zombie on your law-awn有只僵尸在你的草坪上We don't want zombies on the l...


[00:08.75]"POP CAP"[00:09.88][00:24.29]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:28.74]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:33.29]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:37.57]we don't want zombies on the ...

植物大战僵尸主题曲日文版 罗马歌词

http://www.luluinwater.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/LauraShigihara-ZombiesOnYourLawn.mp3 歌名:Zombies on your Lawn 草地上的僵尸们 歌手:Laura Shigihara 歌词:Sunflowers 向日葵们~[画面场景:白天]There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上 There is a zombie on your lawn...


注意:有些秘籍必须在智慧树足够高时才能使用。这四个没有智慧树也能使用:future - Futuristic sunglasses for zombies 僵尸戴上时尚太阳眼镜 mustache - Zombies with womb brooms 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower appearance 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 sukhbir - toggles the zombie...


pvz2国际版最新版介绍周年大庆 收集有礼!收集专属碎片兑换丰富奖励!全新植物华丽登场!炙热山葵,闪亮登场!施放大招时会旋转火鞭,攻击自身周边一定范围内的僵尸。攻防兼备的爆炸坚果被啃食完后,会产生威力巨大的爆炸,大招会增加防御力并且保护壳也会额外增加一次爆炸!?plantsvszombies2国际版埃及植物...


[00:08.75]"POP CAP"[00:09.88][00:24.29]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:28.74]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:33.29]There's a zombie on your lawn.有只僵尸在你的草坪上 [00:37.57]we don't want zombies on the ...

英语作文《植物大战僵尸》是现在很流行的一款电脑游戏.在游戏中,我 ...

看下面的:Plants vs zombies is a very popular computer game now.In the game, we use plants as weapon to fight against zombies in order to secure our house and keep our brains from them. Peashooter, one of the most important weapons in this game, launches peas to hit zombies ...
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