



1.This is the book that I'm looking for.2.This is the most interesting book that I've ever read.3.Who's the people that you just talked with?4.He told me some people he had meet and something he had encountered when he visit Beijing....

英语翻译 定语从句 汉语:他不再是我第一次遇见的那个人了

为你解答。他不再是我第一次遇见的那个人了。He is no longer the man that I met for the first time.解释:no longer,不再;for the first time,第一次。that引导的定语从句修饰the man。


3.this magazine which talks about teenagers' lives is my favorite.4.i love this book which he gave to me.5.penguins are lovely animals which lives in the south pole.6.he'll never forget the talk which he and his father had the other day before.7.everyone who have dreams ...


长城位于北京,他有许多年的历史且很坚固。The Great Wall is/locates in Beijing. It is strong with a long history


它要求前后两个成分性质上必须保持一致。即必须先选入一个能和what he said性质一致的名词短语,因为后者是一个表语从句或名词性从句,相当于一个名词短语。所以必须先填入一个名词短语:the way,可以排除BC。3)后句中,the way是先行词,后面用一个定语从句来修饰它。很明显,定语从句 ___ he sa...


We expressed to them our wish that was the same as their.(定语)(4)关系词在从句中省略的情况。①关系词作宾语,前无介词时。②关系词作表语。(5)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的翻译。(6)关系词前有介词或复杂介词,关系词只能是which和whom。(7)几个特殊的定语从句句型:①He ...


1 Liu Xiang,a Shanghainese, was born on July 13th in 1983. He is 188 cm tall and 74 kg heavy.2 Mr. Zhang, an English teacher, was born on January 27th in 1973. He has black hair and is 1.73 metres tall.3 I am Li Chun, eighteen, a Chinese girl,live at No...


1 . The -boy- who- is- playing- the- computer- games- was- being- asked- by- his- English- teacher- this- time- yesterday.The -boy- playing- the- computer- games- was- being- asked- by- his- English- teacher- this- time -yesterday-.2. The -question- that-...


我母亲给我买的那本书很贵。用英语定语从句翻译:The book that my mother bought for me is expensive.that my mother bought for me是book 的定语从句。


1、主语翻译英语为:subject。2、谓语翻译英语为:predicate。3、表语翻译英语为:predicative。4、状语翻译英语为:adverbial。5、定语翻译英语为:attributive。6、同位语翻译英语为:appositive。7、宾语翻译英语为:object。8、宾补翻译英语为:object complement。9、从句翻译英语为:clause。10、介词短语...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
