
a court



裁决者 arbiter Decision or verdict of a court or jury 法庭或陪审团的判决或裁决 A conclusion or judgment reached or pronounced; a verdict.裁决得到或宣布的结论或判决;判决 To pronounce a judgment; announce a verdict.裁定,判定宣布判决;宣布裁决 To act as referee for; rule or judge....


A court of justice.Enter the DUKE, the Manifestoes, ANTONIO, BASSANIO, GRATIANO, SALERIO, and others DUKE Is Antonio here?ANTONIO Yes, I am here.DUKE I am sorry for you; you come to answer a stony people, an inhuman wretch, who is incapable of pity, and mercy.ANTONIO I have heard...

[加急]告上法庭 的 英文

应该是用charge啊~作vt.时:控告,指控+with He was charged with stealing.他被控犯有偷窃行为。作vi.用时:控告,指控+against/of He was arrested on the charge of robbery.他因被控犯有抢劫罪而被捕。所以,用charge+sb.就可以拉~~望满意哦~~^0^~...


. Venice. A court of justice.Enter the DUKE, the Manifestoes, ANTONIO, BASSANIO, GRATIANO, SALERIO, and others DUKE Is Antonio here?ANTONIO Yes, I am here.DUKE I am sorry for you; you come to answer a stony people, an inhuman wretch, who is incapable of pity, and mercy.ANTONIO I...



field,court ,pitch ,course的区别??急急急急

field、court、pitch、course的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1、field:田,地。2、court:球场。3、pitch:场地。4、course:航向,航线。二、用法不同 1、field:field的基本含义是“场地”,可指农业用地、矿物产地,也可指其他用作某种用途的场地,或场所如运动场、战场...


(a) State an example of a court and a non-judicial tribunal from the same jurisdiction.(a)以同一管辖权的一个法院和非司法审判庭的一个例子。(b) Explain how, if at all, the two bodies you have selected are linked through rights to appeal or the use of precedent.(b)解释,...


The adjournment or postponement of a court case to another day. 【注】 即暂时中止一案件的审理,并择日再审。 Copyright——版权 An intangible right granted by statute to the author or originator of certain literary or artistic productions, whereby, for a limited period, the exclusive privilege is ...


So I would enquire at a tourist information desk to see where the best ice cream shop was, but the police or a court would inquire about something.所以我要问最好的冰淇淋店在哪里,这里用的是 enquire,但是警察或法院会询问一些问题,这里就要用 inquire。However, nowadays both are used ...


If he set up a company which competed with his former company, technically it would be the company and not the person competing. But it is likely a court would say that the new company was just a "sham", a "fraud" or some other phrase,[1] and would still allow the old company to...
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