
a court


a small claim court 什么意思?什么法院?

small-claim court 小额索赔法院 court [英][kɔ:t][美][kɔ:rt]n.法院,法庭; 院子,天井; 宫廷; 网球场;vt.招致; 设法获得; 向…献殷勤; 追求;vi.求爱,求婚; 寻求;第三人称单数:courts 复数:courts 现在进行时:courting 过去式:courted 过去分词:courted ...


opinion的用法:一、组词搭配 1、opinion of/about sb/sth) 意见;看法;主张 We had a difference of opinion over who had won.我们在究竟是谁获胜的问题上发生了争执。2、opinion poll 民意调查,民意测验 3、popular opinion 大众意见,民意 4、public opinion n.舆论,民意 5、dissenting opinion ...


Thus he was able to chastise the Jeffersonians and yet not create a situation in which a court order would be flouted.The critical importance of Marbury is the assumption of several powers by the Supreme Court. One was the authority to declare acts of Congress, and by implication acts of ...


1. G 复议、复审 2. D 法律 3. F 判决 4. A 被告(民事案件或者刑事案件的被告,都称之为defendant)5. I 普通法 6. E 成文法 7. J 法律专家 8. H (民事案件的)原告 9. C 判例法 10. B 主张、指控

unanimous court中文翻译

The case of wilpams vs . the state of mississippi , decided by a unanimous court in 1896 . the state maintains institutions for the insane , the bpnd , and the deaf 密西西比州主权委员会的这批文件激起人们有关该州决意保留种族歧视制度的非常令人不安的记忆,就像牵引他们重新步入...

Court of Appeal是什么意思

Court of Appeal 上诉法院;上诉法庭;上诉庭;上诉法院法官 The case is being referred to the Court of Appeal.该案件将移交上诉法院审理。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

a lawyer; a barrister , a counsel , an attorney 有什么区别???_百...

以下是lawyer,attorney,counselor,counsel,barrister,solicitor几个同义词之间辨析:These nouns denote persons who practice law.这些名词都指运用法律的人。1、Lawyer is the general and most comprehensive termfor one authorized to give legal advice to clients and to plead cases in a court of ...

...concerning children are dealt with in a special court...


急求:美国司法体系概况 英文版

We asked that portions of the testimony -- which had been carefully transcribed by a court reporter -- be read back to us. After four hours of intense argument and discussion, we all agreed to find the defendant guilty of burglary.I was impressed by how seriously the jurors took their ...


3.Oh, let's get two and hang the expense!哎呀,我们买两份吧,管它多少钱!4.Don't hang up on me ─ we must talk!别挂断电话——我们一定得谈谈!5.The possibility of a court case is still hanging over her.可能被告上法庭的阴影依然笼罩在她的心头。6.There were some really ...
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