He who is willing to be a lamb will eventually be devoured by jackals and wolves.37、勇气是人类最重要的一种特质,倘若有了勇气,人类其他的特质自然也就具备了。Courage is one of the most important human qualities. If we have courage, other human qualities will naturally be possessed...
a [the] devil of a 讨厌的; 异常的, 麻烦的; 有趣的 and the devil knows what [who]以及其他种种(以及其他的人)as [like] the devil [口] 极度地; 猛烈地; 拼命地 as the devil loves holy water 非常厌恶(憎恨)be a devil to eat 很能吃, 饭量大 be a devil to work 很能干 ...
4、It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits. 以前,人们相信人有可能被恶魔缠身。 5、We approached the situation in the wrong spirit. 我们以前对待局势的心态不对。 抢首赞 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 分享 复制链接http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/193485...
晚饭结束后,我只觉得释然。不再有火药味。没有愤怒,没有困扰,什么都没有了。终于不再为布莱斯洛士奇牵肠挂肚了,这感觉真好!4. But for the grace of God, your mother could be standing in Mr. Baker’s shoes.要不是老天保佑,你妈也会像贝克先生一样。4. You can’t condemn him for...
And gaze in the depths of the icy stone.品水晶,你可明察识内核,你可洞悉破冰封;Long, look long and you will be blessed:啊——留神再留神,留心再留心,你听,天启呀——圣音:No one worth possessing值你得者,能放下,阿——门,Can be quite possessed.放不下者,不值得,阿——...
3、Through want of it she had sung without being merry, possessed without enjoying, outshone without triumphing.因为没有这种爱情,她歌唱却不觉得快乐,拥有却不觉得欣喜,光彩照人却不春风得意。4、Oh yeah, there's all that stuff as well _ robbing the rich and giving to the poor. ...
你的意思是什么,是想写“对爱的理解”还是“理解中(包含)的爱”?What is love?Love has diversity of meanings in eyes' of different people.For me,love is understanding.什么是爱?爱对于不同的人,意义不同.对我而言,爱就是理解.When you have different opinions with your friends,you might not argue...
long for的意思是:渴望。例句:I longed for my world to be colored.I longed to be possessed by one somebody To hold me, control me, show me what I should do with my broken life