利令智昏 发音 lì lìng zhì hūn 释义 因贪图私利而失去理智,把什么都忘了。出处 《史记·平原君虞卿列传》:“鄙谚曰:‘利令智昏。’平原君(赵胜)负冯亭邪说,使赵陷长平四十余万众,邯郸几亡。”示例 独苦国人无识者,~,则不免受其饵矣。(章炳麟《敬告对待间谍者》)意气用事 发音...
7. Confidence is built, not inborn 信心是建立起来的,不是天生的。一篇励志文章的题目,自信并不是先天就有的,而是可以通过技巧和习惯建立起来的。形容词inborn,内在的,先天的,与生俱来的(Innate, inherited, possessed by an organism at birth)。这篇文章中的几个建立自信的建议:Dare to ...
come out soon.3. 这件事我一个人干得了,我敢肯定没问题 i can do it alone, not a problem.4. 我明天给你弄两张轻音乐CD I 'll give you too CDs of light music.5. 你还不够努力,如果你努力了,你会做的更好 you didn't do it hard, if you did, you would be better....
1,Act汉语是什么意思名词:行为,行动;动词:做事,行动,假装。2,the act 加什么词the十名词 3,act的用法be in the act of doing sth.正在做某事(尤指坏事)get in on the act (尤指为得到好处)参加,插手。in the act of 表示正做……的过程中 on the act关于该法但一般是act on ...
有志者事竟成 This statement means that if you are really determined to do something, however difficult it might be, you will eventually find a way of doing it. The point is you must have the will if you are to succeed.这句话的意思就是如果你决定去做一件事,无论它有多难,...
4. Tsvetayeva was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.茨维塔耶娃内心有一种想要离开莫斯科的狂热冲动。5. We urge colleges and universities to demystify the selection process.我们敦促各学院和大学澄清其甄选学生的过程。6. At school he played bass in a pop group called The...
to stimulate the defecation, otherwise the intestines food fermentation metamorphism caused by accidental death, little turtle. The 5 house is very cold, the turtles covered a layer of towel, then put the turtle in the closet, or other leeward is not temperature is too high. In 6...
adj. 有利环境的 例句:Traditional cards and letters are not environment-friendly as they are made of paper.传统的贺卡和书信不是环境友好型的,因为它们是纸质的。environmental-friendly adj. 不损环境;利于环境 例句:People think of nests of Buu Dragon Ball be possessed people, it seems...
This is the kind of fighter we now need. He is not necessarily possessed of superhuman capability. He is just an ordinary person. Anyone can be a fighter so long as he has the determination. Hence a few words of mine about “being a fighter” to encourage those young people who wander...
a cool greeting; was cool to the idea of higher taxes.冷淡的问候;对提高税收的意见反应冷淡 Of, relating to, or characteristic of colors, such as blue and green, that produce the impression of coolness.冷色调的:产生凉感的颜色的,如蓝色或绿色等,或具有冷色特征的 Slang Excellent;...