The team has chalked up its fifth win in a row. 这队一连五次取得胜利。The unexpected win boosted the team's morale. 意外的胜利鼓舞了全队的士气。语法用法 v.(动词)win的基本意思是“获胜”“赢得”,指人、参赛队、赛马、赛犬等在竞赛中或战斗中“击败对方”,也可指通过努力获得,还可...
Second grade: A chalk, is directing the knowledge kingdom wrong way armor: A blackboard, takes down teacher the infinite affectionate second grade: A foot platform, is reflecting teacher the big form armor: Dozen of lesson plans, are condensing teacher in every possible way industrio...
there is no teacher classroom chatter of the lectures and chalk on the blackboard "blah" sound...英语话题作文 篇6 Everyone is eager for success and is afraid of failure. But in fact, failure
Module 6 Olympic adj. 奥林匹克的 *adventure n. 激动人 心的活动;冒险 more adj. 更多的 adv. 更 *dangerous adj. 危险的 gymnastics n. 体操 ski v. 滑雪 *popular adj. 流行的;受欢迎的 *exciting adj. 激动人心的 tiring adj. 累人的 unpopular adj. 不流行的,不受欢迎的 boring adj. 令人厌烦...
chalk n. 粉笔 (JH7B M4 P20)paper n. 纸 (JH7B M4 P20)ruler n. 直尺 (JH7B M4 P20)...June n. 6月 (JH7B M10 P62)July n. 7月 (JH7B M10 P62)August n. 8月 (JH7B M10
6.教师节的诗(英文) 要短点的:teacher is a sun ,children are flowers!还有很多:For all the great things you say and do…The best teacher's award goes to you.因为您的身教言教,颁给您最佳教师奖As another school term approaches…wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours....
美台4.5*9英尺或5*10英尺,英台通常是6*12英尺。2、袋口形状 美台袋口大,袋口为直线;英台袋口相对小,袋口为孤线型。3、台尼型号 美台通常称为台布,比较薄、毛少;英台台尼厚、毛多。4、库边 俯身下看,美台库边是一个棱;英台是一个有一定厚度的平面。5、球 美台使用的球相对较...
6、从左上的mousehole(鼠洞)抓取mouse(老鼠)使用于右下的stuck snake取出snake(蛇)并使用于左上的alms bowl(慈善箱); 7、从左上的mousehole(鼠洞)抓取mouse(老鼠)使用于左下的angry elephant(愤怒的大象),到右下拿取sponge and chalk(海绵和粉笔)使用于safety line(安全线)。 九、壮志雄心Burning With Ambitio...