



buttery 1 备膳室 2 酒类储藏室 3 含有黄油的 crunchy 1 咀嚼时发出的嘎吱嘎吱声 2 易碎的 脆的 juicy 1 多汁的 2 报酬丰厚的 3 多雨的 潮湿的 4 生动有趣的(丑事)5 活力充沛的 6 富于色彩的 oily 1 多油的 2 滑腻的 3 讨好的(言行等)每个词的全部意思都告诉你了 看看你需要哪个 ...



英语美食:川菜 1 – 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken(中餐篇 1)

But Kung Pao Chicken is more than just a sum of its ingredients – cubes of tender chicken</ expertly marinated in cornstarch, crunchy peanuts</, and aromatic scallions, garlic, and ginger</ all come together under the spell of dried chili, Sichuan pepper, and a delectable sauc...

mr ea c能组成什么单词?

可以组成cream 意思为奶油 单词解析 英 /kriːm/ 美 /kriːm/ n. 奶油,乳脂;霜,膏;奶油色,淡黄色;含奶油食品;乳皮 复数 creams第三人称单数 creams现在分词 creaming过去式 creamed过去分词 creamed 短语 1.ice cream 冰淇淋 例句 1.The fruit was drowned in cream.水果在...

英语对括号里部分提问 1.These are (Sue's) red plums. 2.They ar...

Whose are those crunchy apples?Whose car is new?is asking don't put brothers is teacher's isn't, buy us The child washes his face every morning.Does the sun rise behind the hill in the morning? Yes, it does.Does she like pink apples or red apples?What does she never...


7. 熄火,待凉后,撒上碎花生(熟的)或使用crunchy花生酱。越南春卷制作:1. 用热水泡软春卷皮,平摊在干净的盘子上。包装上有泡发说明,一般温水即可,不必过软,3秒钟正反面浸泡即可,然后取出铺在材料上会继续吸水变软。2. 放上虾,不要太多,2个即可,以免包不住。3. 放上米粉丝,再加上...


第一步:取得12个劫掠者的蛋,交给雷加希,奖励5个劫掠者煎蛋卷。 第二步:取得8份恶魔野猪肉,交给雷加希,奖励5块恶魔野猪熏肉和2 第三步:取得12个丰满的红头鹫翅膀,交给雷加希,奖励5份香脆红头鹫翅和食谱:香脆红头鹫翅和2 原料获取:白骨秃鹫(64~65级,泰罗卡森林南部, 49.6%掉率) 啄骨秃鹫(61~62级...


英语翻译介绍一道菜的制作过程:葱花炒蛋,用英语来描述. - :[答案] Introduced a recipe:chopped green onion scrambled eggs 用英文介绍一道菜的做法(一两百字) - : "写一封邮件为你的朋友介绍一道菜的做法".(这是我自己写的,可能会有一点语法错误)dearlily,youknowthati'mgoodatcooking,soi'...


食谱:香脆风蛇(Crunchy Serpent)拾取绑定需要烹饪(335)使用:教你如何烹饪香脆风蛇!要等级55,使用:在30秒内恢复7500点体力,必须保持坐姿。如果你花至少10秒钟食用它,你将获得增加23点法伤和20点精神的效果,持续30分钟65级物品需要风蛇肉(Serpent Flesh)任务奖励:(BL)Matron Varah 旅店老板(刀锋山,75.9,60.4)...


One car come one car go,Two car Dongdong(咚咚)One car die 2.Chengdu,an ancient city of ancient China/Is called the KingdomofHeaven/A heaven to be deeply understood/A heaven ofvariousfood/Its got crunchy snacks/As well as spicy hot-pots/Whyits sohard for me/To put my ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
