



更新1: 可以用2至3个英文的形容词来形容薯片吗? 请帮帮我…… 请用句子作答。Positive adjectives: crispy crunchy light tasty Negative adjectives: oily soggy heavy filling examples: These chips are crispy and light and I like to have them for lunch. I like salty ...

(改写句子)1.The apple is crunchy.(对划线部分提问)——— the apple...

How does the apple taste?苹果尝起来如何,The apple is crunchy 苹果很脆...


4. Peanut: Peanuts are a popular snack during the celebration and are also used in various dishes, offering a crunchy contrast to the sweet and savory flavors.5. Stuffed Dumplings: Made from glutinous rice flour and typically filled with various ingredients such as lotus seed paste ...


仅仅是读到、听到或者说出拟声词 “crispy” 和“crunchy” 时,人们就会产生吃到这种食物的感觉。按理来说,这种感觉在大脑中的体现,是主要运动皮质区的口舌区域被激活(当然,实际说出一个词时,嘴的运动区域被直接激活)。“脆” 的描述感非常强,因为在某种意义上,听到或说出 “脆” 字会强烈促进进食的运动想象...


Serve. It's the easy, healthy, and tasty snack full of crunchy and chewy ingredients.第二盘沙拉——水果沙拉:1 Choose the fruit carefully. Select only fruit that is fresh and ripe.2 Avoid fruits that would overwhelm other ingredients.3 Steer clear of fruits that might burst and...


2、春卷spring rolls Spring rolls are traditionally eaten during the Spring Festival.The ingredicnts are wrapped inside a cylindrical dough skin. Spring rolls are light, crispy, and crunchy, making the man ideal snack at a heavy dinner.按照传统习俗,人们在春节期间吃春卷。春卷的馅料包...


3.Is it a peach or an apple? It’s an apple, I tink.它是一个桃子还是一个苹果?我想它是一个苹果。4.Taste it. What is it? 尝尝它。它是什么?5.How about the green one?绿色的那个怎么样。6. It’s nice too, and it’s very crunchy.它也很好,而且它非常脆。7.They are...


and sweet bean sauce. The combination of the tender meat, crunchy vegetables, and savory sauce creates a burst of flavors in every bite.Beyond its exquisite taste, Beijing Roast Duck holds cultural significance in Chinese cuisine. It embodies the essence of the city's culinary...


2、春卷spring rolls Spring rolls are traditionally eaten during the Spring Festival.The ingredicnts are wrapped inside a cylindrical dough skin. Spring rolls are light, crispy, and crunchy, making the man ideal snack at a heavy dinner.按照传统习俗,人们在春节期间吃春卷。春卷的馅料包...


例句:- She bought some turnips from the grocery store to make a stew. (她从杂货店买了一些大头菜来做炖菜。)- The radishes from our garden are very crunchy and fresh. (我们花园里的萝卜非常脆生和新鲜。)2. 颜色和纹理不同:turnip 通常具有白色或淡黄色的肉质,有时会有紫色的顶部...
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