



词典解释一世俗 shìsú(1) [common customs]∶世间一般的习俗世俗之见(2) [mundane]∶非宗教的1.指当时社会的风俗习惯。《文子·道原》:“矜伪以惑世,畸行以迷众,圣人不以为世俗。”《史记·循吏列传》:“施教导民,上下和合,世俗盛美,政缓禁止,吏无奸邪,盗贼不起。” 明 邵璨 《香囊...


词典解释一 世俗 shìsú (1) [common customs]∶世间一般的习俗 世俗之见 (2) [mundane]∶非宗教的 她不允许他们在去教堂来回的路上谈论世俗的事情 1.指当时社会的风俗习惯。《文子·道原》:“矜伪以惑世,畸行以迷众,圣人不以为世俗。”《史记·循吏列传》:“施教导民,上下和合,世俗盛美...


rewarding 有价值的 motivating 激发(潜力等等)mundane 平凡的 世俗的 世界的 monotonous 无聊的 satisfying 充分的 确信的 challenging n.1.挑战;邀请比赛[+to-v] 2.质疑;指责;异议 3.颇有作为的工作;艰巨的事 4...vt.1.向...挑战[(+to)] 2.对...提出异议;怀疑;反对 3.要求,需要;刺激,...


词典解释一 世俗 shìsú (1) [common customs]∶世间一般的习俗 世俗之见 (2) [mundane]∶非宗教的 她不允许他们在去教堂来回的路上谈论世俗的事情 1.指当时社会的风俗习惯。《文子·道原》:“矜伪以惑世,畸行以迷众,圣人不以为世俗。”《史记·循吏列传》:“施教导民,上下和合,世俗盛美...


世俗:1. 指当时社会的风俗习惯。2. 尘世;世间。3. 指俗人,普通人。4. 流俗;庸俗。我们所说的“不懂世俗”,一般是“不懂人情世故”的意思。

gre词汇表: 同义词总结大全(121)

maverick n.独行者,想法与众不同的人 世俗的,超俗的 mundane adj.现世的,世俗的 | secular adj.世俗的、尘世的 | temporal adj.时间的,世俗的 subcelestial adj 世俗的,尘世的 | ultramundane adj.超俗的,世界之外的 otherworldly adj 超脱尘世的,超俗的 | unearthly a 非尘世的,神秘的...


reaching a compromise even on issues that can be said to be mundane is not easy. So to reach a consensus declaring the birthday of an African, an international day is no mean achievement.Without doubt, the most powerful person of African descent, and perhaps the most powerful ...


1、capable:having the ability or qualities necessary for doing sth。意思:有能力;有才能;能力强的;足以胜任的。例句:Her husband was such a fine, capable man. 意思:她丈夫又体贴又能干。2、experienced:having knowledge or skill in a particular job or activity。意思:有经验的;熟练的;...

how to make news 的英语作文

Many people's lives are boring and incredibily mundane. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to make your life a bit more fantastic.Just because you have school doesn't mean you can't have fun. School is a time when you can see and meet new friends. School gives you a ...


Among their now outdated ideas: that the city centers of the Classic Maya were used primarily for ceremonial purposes, not for living; hieroglyphic texts described esoteric calendrical, astronomical and religious subjects but never recorded anything as mundane as rulers or historical events; slash-and...
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