



The tables and benches were set up neatly and the floor was swept clean. It's all comfortable. 教室真干净啊,洁白的墙白的没有一丝杂质,地板干净的能当镜子照,让人舍不得去踩上一脚。 The classroom is really clean, the white wall is white without any impurities, and the floor is clean ...


9. Every boy and girl must have �___� hair neatly combed.�A. his B. her C. its D. their�为什么选A而不是D?求详解,谢谢 答:楼主能问这个问题,说明是有一定了解的。本题设计有误。AD都可能,最佳答案我认为应为D.Every boy and gi...

we should write homework neatly and clearl这句话是

【we should write homework neatly and clearly】【家庭作业要整洁,要清楚】=== 柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答 您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力


The vast Pacific Ocean, a treaty 2 m-long giant shark dragged on the fishing boats. Sailors come up with power saws, neatly amputated all its fins. Followed by "bang" is heard, sharks residual body was thrown into the sea, blood dyed the sea immediately. Be "live to take ...

Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1.Sheila types faster...

1.Sheila types faster than Anne,but less carefully.翻译:Sheila比Anne打字快,但是却没有Anne更仔细。2.Sheila dresses more fashionably than Anne,but less neatly.翻译:Sheila比Anne穿着更时尚,但是却没有Anne更整洁。3.We'll have a budget meeting this morning.翻译:今天早上,我们将开一...


1. [neatly arranged]∶[形容词]形容整齐的样子。【例】土地平旷,屋舍俨然。——晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》2. [just like]∶[副词]形容特别像。【例】蹲石鳞鳞,俨然类画。——《聊斋志异·促织》3. [majestic;solemn]∶[形容词]形容庄重、严肃。【例】闻之俨然晚饭摆出来了,四叔俨然的陪着。




Shela is able to type very fast, but she is not so careful.Bill always dresses properly and neatly in the office.More women become excutives.It is exciting to hold a party in such a special place.Do you buy such a bike with only 50 yuan? It's really a bargain.She ...
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