


needless to say 这个短语,一般在什么情况下说能给个例子吗。

“needless to say”的意思是“不用说”,通常用于肯定句中,后面接逗号,引导句子。例句:1、Needless to say, one should be dressed neatly when being interviewed for a job.不用说,参加面试时应该穿上正式的衣服。2、Needless to say, it's difficult to do manual labor on an empty ...


Mung bean seeds in the field can quickly and neatly germination, the seedlings can be healthy and rapid growth, it has a bearing on the final play of the yield potential. This test optional in recent years around the selection of five bean varieties (lines) in four ecological ...


Thee puddings are neatly ranged on the shelf.5、他放了些罐子在架子上。He put those cans on the shelf.6、有些蔷薇花攀在架子上。Some roses climb on frames.7、我爷爷的大钟表太大了,在架子上放不下。My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf.8、有一些故事书在架子上。...


He does his work neatly and has good manners…he isa joy to be around.” 可是,她翻阅特迪的档案时,不禁大吃一惊。特迪一年级老师的评语是:“特迪是一个聪明的孩子,笑口常开,作业工整,礼貌待人……与他在一起很开心。” His second grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is an excellent student, well liked...

请大家帮忙分析一下, there were是什么成分? what引导什么句?what...

1、我们先划分一下句子成分,Aunt Harriet :主语;discovered 是动词,所以充当谓语;则 that引导的是一个宾语从句(下面简称宾从),即 “there were piles of empty wine bottles of all shapes and sizes neatly stacked in what had once been Bessie's wardrobe”.所以there are是宾从的主语。


It is a sunny day with wind and sunshine today. After a thorugh clean-up yesterday, the classromm is clean and the desks and the chairs are arranged in an order with fresh air through out the classsrom. No one was late for school today and every one had the classes.仅供...

这里是填 to place ,placing 还是 placed?

填:placing 这句的结构是:There were two nickels and five pennies her tip!placing neatly besides the empty dish是插入语,作were的状语,表示正在伴随的状态。her tip是two nickels and five pennies 的同位语。可以翻译成:“在那只空盘子的旁边,她的两镍币零五便士的小费正整齐地摆放着。”...


You should,for example,dress neatly and modestly.If you dress too informally,the interviewer may think that you are not serious about the interview or that you may be casual about your future work.Clothes that are too expensive or too colorful may suggest that you do not understand...


A would-be actress who dresses up as Marilyn Monroe.一个像玛丽莲·梦露一样穿着打扮的想当女演员的人。The shoes were racked neatly beneath the dresses.架子上鞋子整洁地摆放在衣服下。Minimal, simple evening dresses in luxurious fabrics.用精美面料制作的朴实无华的简洁晚礼服。


1.不允许带食物和饮料入内 Please no food and drinks allowed.2.所有观众应衣着整齐,不允许穿拖鞋入内 All audiance must be formally dressed, no open sandles allowed.3.不允许在音乐会期间拍照 No photography during performance 4.不允许打开手机 No mobile phone.5.不允许在剧院内吸烟 No ...
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