


make friends with和make a friend with的区别是什么?

没有什么区别。不过只有make friends with这一种表式方法来表示。而不能用make a friends with 。若卷面书写为make a friends with则会表示错误。因为在make friends with,这种情况下friend只能用复数


I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. Numbers never seemed important. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn't immediately occur to me that it...

Best Mistake 歌词

Ain't no number twos we both ones and ones' the oddest Couple only human except you,you a goddess Only lying to you when I lie you down,just being honest When you start as friends it's hart to say you're never going back If I'm not the one then I'm the best ...

安徒生童话英文版:Great-Grandfather 曾祖父

and he used to say he was old enough to be my father - but then he was always saying the oddest things. He had graduated with the highest honors, and was so quick and clever in his work at Father's office that Father meant to make him a partner before long. Of us all...

make friend with 和make friends with有什么区别

只有make friends with,这种情况下friend只能用复数,用单数是错误的。make friends with 是一个固定的表达方式,即便是交一个朋友也用这个表达(friend 要用复数)。人们的思维方式是:所交的朋友不止一个,因此无论现在要交的朋友是一个还是几个,都是“朋友”。make friends包括至少两个人——你和...



5 Years Time 歌词

And in the oddest moments and just scratching my head I'll be thinking about families n' lying in bed Even though I believe it may not even come true But in my mind I'm having a pretty good time with you.Oh, Five years time I might not know you,In Five Years Time We...




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