pass to
On his death, the farm will pass to his son.他一死,这农场就传给他儿子。Please pass the word to your boss.请把这句话传给你的老板。放弃出牌(叫牌)机会 pass away 去世;死 (= pass on, pass over)pass by 漠视;不理会 (= pass over)走过 A coach passed by just a moment...
1、pass,把东西递到别人手里或者递到某个地方;pass on 两层意思,作为短语讲的时候是“去世”的意思,等于pass away;第二层意思,后边接一个地方时,表示从旁边经过。2、pass sth. to sb. 指把东西递给某人或把东西递到某个地方;pass sth. on to sb,也有递东西的意思,不过里边多了层含义...
pass 有忽略,放过的意思,当宾语是目标/对象/选择时。(参看词典中及物动词第九条)如果是被动式,要看施动的主体是上面两种当中哪个。怎么翻译取决于上下文。词典 pass1 不及物动词 (passed passed, past )1. 经过,通过;穿过;越过;超过;掠过;前进。2. (时间)流逝,推移;转化,变化 (to;...
可以看出,一开始通过率很高,到后面升级还是很困难的。程序如下:'''simulate 100 player how to match: play with adjacent player each player has 50% rate to win if play win win_count_to_pass times, it is passed, no need to match if player failed (total_games-win_count_to_pass...
Pass it to me.把东西递给我。to 介词,表示给谁
没错,on 和to本身都是介词,但是你要分清楚它们所在的语言环境,这里的on是和pass连在一起的,组成了一个固定词组pass on,有传递的意思,而to是介词指的是传递的对象,所以这两个词用在这里是正确的。读的时候应该是please pass it on (稍微停顿下)to Ben. 希望能帮你解惑(*^__^*)...
一般现在时的句子结构 1、当句子表状态说明主语是什么或怎么样时,其句型:主+BE动词(am,is,are)+表语,否定式是在BE动词后加not,疑问句是将BE动词提前到句首(即在主语之前) 。2、当主语是第三人称单数时:句子结构为:主语+动词(词尾加s或es)+其它 否定式为:主语+doesn't+动词原形+...
1、pass on的意思 继续前进,向前走:He bowed to me and passed on.他向我鞠了个躬,向前走去。把…传给(下一代):This ring has been passed on in my family from mother to daughter.在我家里,这个戒指是妈妈留给女儿的。传送;传达;转移;交给:He has passed me on all the ...
when the higher authorities must intervene in order to save time for managers. Effective performance management will give us tremendous job day-to-day management of the benefits of [1]. If performance management used properly, for each person, including employees, supervisors and business...