
pass to


delieve to与pass to的区别

Please pass me the salt.请把盐递给我。4. 度过(时间等)5. 通过(考试、检查等);使及格;批准(议案等)The bill was passed in 1908.这项议案是一九○八年通过的。6. 使(货币等)流通;传播(谣言等)7. 宣布(判决等);提出(批评、意见等)[(+on/upon)]He refused to pass any comment on ...

区别一下,pass on,pass to,pass on to!麻烦了!

He was rude, but let that pass.他很粗野,不过算了吧。We connot pass the matter by in silence.对这件事我们不能保持沉默。You'd better pass over his rude remarks in silence.你最好还是不要理睬他那些无礼的言话。转让;传 On his death, the farm will pass to his son.他一死,...


pass to 传给, 转到, 通到pass on to 传递(上一代/届传给下一代/届...),传授 pass 英 [pɑːs] 美 [pæs]n. 及格;经过;护照;途径;传球 vi. 经过;传递;变化;终止 vt. 通过;经过;传递 n. (Pass)人名;(英、法、德、俄)帕斯 pass[pɑ:s; pæs]n...

pass on和pass to sb的用法 例子有没有

把它传给下一个人好吗?3.去世 I'm sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on.pass to sb pass sth. to sb. 指把东西递给某人或把东西递到某个地方;pass sth. on to sb,也有递东西的意思,不过里边多了层含义,“你收到东西,或者你用过之后” 再递给别人。You can ...


pass 后用 to,常用于pass sth to sb


pass the time消磨时光。pass over去世;忽视,略过去。pass out昏倒,失去知觉;结束新兵训练;分发。pass to传给;递给;传递给。pass along通过;传递;传送。双语例句:1、I am sure he can pass the English exam.我确信他能通过英语考试。2、Terrafugia says an owner would need to pass a ...


"Passas"和"pass for"都可以表示某个人或物被误认为是另一种人或物,但它们的用法略有不同。"Passas"通常用作动词,表示伪装或冒充某种身份。例如:"他穿上警察制服,成功地通过了保安检查,他成功地passas了一名警察。""Pass for"通常用作动词短语,表示被误认为是某种身份或具有某种特征。例如:...

pass加什么。 比如pass. sb. sth

pass (round) the hat 募捐 pass sb. off as 把某人[某物]充作...pass sth. off as 把某人[某物]充作...pass sb. off for 把某人[某物]充作...pass sth. off for 把某人[某物]充作...pass through 经过, 经历 修毕(课程) 刺过, 刺穿 pass to 传给, 转到, 通到 pass up ...


pass (round) the hat 募捐 pass sb. off as 把某人[某物]充作...pass sth. off as 把某人[某物]充作...pass sb. off for 把某人[某物]充作...pass sth. off for 把某人[某物]充作...pass through 经过, 经历 修毕(课程) 刺过, 刺穿 pass to 传给, 转到, 通到 pass up ...
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